Chapter 1:The mission

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Authors pov~
It was a normal day for team rwby, with all of the members doing different things, Ruby eating cookies,Weiss studying,Blake reading, and yang....being yang 'could teams Rwby and Jnpr come to my office,I repeat, teams Rwby and Jnpr come to my office' "What did you do now yang?" "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!!!" "Whatever lets go see what professer Ozpin needs" As team Rwby walks out they see team Jnpr walk out of there dorm room "Hey guys!" "Oh hello ruby,weiss,blake,and yang" Phyrra says looking at them "Want to walk together?" "Sure" They start to head over to Ozpin's office

Timeskip given to you bye teams rwby and jnpr~

They arrive at Ozpins office, with a knock and a short "come in" they walk inside "Hello professer Ozpin, I apologize for any actions Yang or Nora has caused" Weiss glares at yang and nora who looks quite offended "They didn't do anything miss. Sanchee, I called you all for a mission" Ozpin says looking at the eight "What is are mission sir? Is it clearing out grimm? Is it protecting somebody? Or to sto-" Ruby was cut off from here rant but yang covering her mouth " Not any of those miss. Rose, for this mission, you need to investigate a weird sighting people have been seeing deep in the emerald forest, people, human and faunus, said they seen a human with the body of a deer, said human has (H/c) hair, that matches the deer ears and body, Its said that it has a semblance, but has never been seen" The 2 teams looked shocked at what they heard "So its a deertaur?" Blake asks making everybody look at her "A deertaur?" "Yes a deertaur, they have the upper body human and the lower body of a deer, but they are said to be mysical creatures" Blake explained to the eight of them
"We'll do it professer Ozpin!" Ruby yells walking out the door with her's and jaune's team "This is  weird job we have to complete" "Well we have faced against weird things before" "Whatever lets continue and complete The mission" They all walk into the bullhead as the lights fade out

...To be continued
I hope you guys liked this chapter! Leave comments to help me improve on this a bit! See you in the next chapter!



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