Chapter 3

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The rest of the day seemed to drag on, seemingly forever. At lunch, nobody questioned what had happened. They just left it alone, sensing that i didn't want to talk about it, a gesture which I had appreciated. Finally, my last class, Science, had arrived. I sat down in my normal seat and stared at the two empty desks on my right and left. Cosmo sat in the one on my right and nobody sat in the other. The person who used to sit in it moved away so it was vacant. Cosmo walked in, taking her seat.

"Hi there, Blossom." She said softly.

I gave her a tired smile. "Heya. What's up?"

"Oh, nothing really." She replied. I then noticed a letter in her hand.

"Wait, what's that?" I asked, motioning to it.

"Oh this? I got it from a guy in my gardening class. I don't know what it is though."

I grinned. "Somebody's popular all of a sudden. Love letter?"

She sent me a glare before lightly hitting my arm. "Hey! It could be something else!"

I laughed. "Riiigghht, But you never know though. But it probably is though."

She casually shrugged. "I'll open it on the way home."

The bell rang and everybody quieted down. A teacher walked in and somebody followed behind him. My eyes widened at the figure.

"No. Way." I muttered quietly.

"What's wrong?" Cosmo whispered.

"That's Shadow. The new transfer." I whispered back.

"I know that by why do you look so worried?" She asked.

But before I could answer, the teacher coughed before giving us a pointed look. I made an "oops" face and we both stopped talking, paying attention to him.

"Hello class." Mr. Morcell greeted. "We have a new student. His name is Shadow the Hedgehog and today he'll be joining us."

Shadow acknowledging nodded at the class, but I felt his eyes burn into mine. I quickly looked down, before looking up, his gaze elsewhere.

"Let's see, Shadow you can sit-"

Realization dawned on me that the only seat available was the one on my left. "Dear Chaos, please no..."

"Right next to Blossom." Mr. Morcell finished, pointing at the available desk next to me.

I wanted to bang my head on my desk, but I managed a polite smile as he sat in the desk next to me. "Why me...?"

"Class, next week, we'll be starting a project." Mr. Morcell started. "This project will accumulate to a big portion of your grade and you will have a month to work on it. You will also be in partners."

I naturally glanced over at Cosmo who nodded. I instantly felt a pang in my heart when I realized that since Shadow didn't know anybody, he would be by himself. I looked at him, but he had his typical emotionless face.

"However," The teachers voice cut my thoughts. "I will assign your partners this time."

I felt relief surging through my body. At least Shadow wouldn't be alone, but that meant I couldn't work with Cosmo. She gave a me a disappointed stare and I gave a sheepish smile.

"Your partners will be determined on Monday after the weekend." Mr. Morcell continued. "Your projects will be based on our current study; Astrology. When I assign your partner, you will also receive the subject you'll be covering."

Mr. Morcell continued to list details on the project and I took notes on it. After an hour, the bell rang, signaling that class was over. I quickly packed my notebook into my backpack before swinging it over my back.

"Ready Cosmo?" I asked, smiling at the slightly older Seedrian.

"Yup!" She responded.

"Have a good day!" I called out to Mr. Morcell who smiled to us as me and Cosmo walked out.

"I can't believe it!" Cosmo said, stretching. "I sooo wanted to be your partner!"

I laughed. "Yeah, same, but at least we'll get to know our other classmates better."

She nodded. "Thats one way to put it."

As we walked down the hallway, we joked about some stuff and, I was laughing, I didn't notice the figure in front of me. I bumped into it, stumbling back a bit.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" I apologized. "I wasn't looking at where I was going and-" I looked up and saw who I had bumped into. Oops.

Shadow shook his head. "Stop apologizing." He said

"O-Oh!" I stammered. I then looked at Cosmo. "That's right! Umm... Cosmo, this is Shadow, the new transfer." I said, looking at her. She smiled at Shadow.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you. My name is Cosmo." She politely said. "I'm Blossoms best friend."

"I'm Shadow." He shortly responded. He then turned to look at me. "Could you show me around the city?"

I was a little taken aback by this, not sure what to say. It puzzled me as to why he wanted me of all people to do it despite all of our earlier conversations. "Umm.. I-" But before I could finish, Cosmo had interrupted me.

"Well, you two have fun" She started. "I have to go now so I'll leave you two to do your things. I'll see you guys later, okay?" She said.

"B-But Cosmo!" I said. Truth, I didn't want to be left alone with Shadow. Our situation was kind of... Awkward to say.

Cosmo smiled at me. "Good luck, Blossom. I'm cheering for you!" She quietly whispered in my ear.

Quickly understanding what it meant, my face started to turn pink. "It's not like that!" I hissed back but she simply laughed.

"Bye!" She called out, running off and into the crowd of students.

I sighed, before nervously smiling. "W-Well then, shall we?"

He nodded and we walked off and into the bustling city. What could possibly go wrong?

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