Chapter 1

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"Mom! I heading to school now!" I called out, opening the door.

"Have a good day sweetie." My mother said, walking towards the doorway.

I swung my backpack over my shoulder, closing the door on my way out. Standing on the sidewalk near my house was a certain green-haired girl. "Cosmo!" I called out, waving my hand. I ran down to her.

"Good morning, Blossom!" She said, smiling.

"Sorry I was late. I hope I didn't make you wait too long." I apologized.

She let out a soft laugh. "Don't worry about it. Just a couple of minutes."

I smiled. "Thanks, Cosmo. Shall we go now?"


We both walked down the sidewalk to our school, talking about what was currently going on in school.

"Oh, that's right!" Cosmo started. "There's a supposed new transfer today."

"Really?" I asked, tilting my head. "The counselor never told me about that."

"She didn't? Well, maybe she just forgot." Cosmo said.

I nodded. "Total possibility. But girl, spill! How much do you know about them?"

"Well..." She paused, deep in thought. "All I heard is that he's supposedly mega hot. Like, he was really popular at his old school. According to the gossip anyways."

"Hmm.." I hummed to myself. "I hope we can become friends then."

Cosmo looked at me, wide eyed. "But Blossom... There's more. I also heard that he's like, a loner. At his old school, he never dated despite how popular he was!"

I froze before laughing. "Cosmo! I never said anything about dating! I meant that I wanted to get to know him better. Liiikkke, you know, be his friend!"

She smiled. "Oh. I was worried there for a second. I didn't want you to, like, fall madly in love with him and get your heart broken."

I gave her a pointed stare before giggling. "And this is why you're, like, my bestie!" I linked my arms with hers.

She smiled. "Riiighht. I've only been your best friend for like what?" She let out a humming noise, pretending to think."


She laughed. "Sorry, sorry. But we've been best friends ever since you moved in which was like 5 years ago?"

I nodded. "Technically, 5 and a half."

She half rolled her eyes, hiding a smile. "Whatever you say. But I still say it's 5!"

"Aside from Cosmo and her bad counting skills, what do you think he's like?" I asked.

"Hey! My counting skills aren't that bad!" She retorted before giggling. "But judging from all the rumors, to summarize, he's good-looking but has a mysterious side to him as well."

I let out a loud sigh. "For reals, that's it? I thought you would at least have his name!"

Cosmo lightly jabbed my side. "Well, soorrry. Next time, why don't you try collecting information next time?"

I laughed. "Sorry, I was just kidding though!"

She smiled. "So was I. But you're so lucky though!"

I tilted my head. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you're the only student ambassador which means you get to meet the new kid before anybody else does! I'm soooo jealous!"

I smiled. "Don't worry! I'll make sure to tell you all about him when I can!"

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