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Newt's POV - 11 years old
Minho was probably the only person who knew I wasn't completely straight. Being at such a young age I had no clue what my sexuality was. All I knew is that I've never been attracted to a girl. Not even Brenda. The most popular and hottest girl, according to all the other boys.

Truth be told I really liked Minho, he was my best friend. "I'm actually so scared for tomorrow. I can't believe we're going to high school. Promise you'll be my best friend no matter what?" I asked Minho while eating our lunch. "Yeah of course Newt!"

Flash forward to Newt now tied to a chair in the middle of an empty room.

Of course that was a lie. Minho was there for me for about a week. Then Thomas came along and slowly he didn't want to be picked on so he joined Thomas and the rest of them. My thoughts wondered around seen as though there was nothing better to do.

Two hours earlier

Newt's POV
"NEWWTTTTT!" The word rang throughout my mind, Thomas sounded so.. terrified. I was too occupied in trying to break free from what looks like the boot of a car. Pounding on the roof just wishing this was a horrible nightmare "HELPP MEEE!" I screamed but no one came to answer them.

I had no idea where I was where I was going or who I was being taken by. All I needed to know was if Thomas was okay.

Seconds turned to minutes. Minutes to hours. I couldn't bare being in here any longer. I was cold, scared and struggling for air. The car jolted to a stop. The sound of a door opening and slamming shut made me tremble with fear. I wasn't going to be scared. I needed to stay strong. Even in times like these.

Light poured into the small compartment burning my eyes. Two sturdy hands gripped me and threw me out of the car. I landed on my side. Pain flowing around at the feel of the impact. The man walked over to where I was lying. He gripped me by my throat and slammed me into a wall. "Scream and your dead!" He huskily spat. "W-who are yo-u?" I wearily asked. "Who cares but I will not have my own son turn out to be a faggot, which means. Seen as though your his boyfriend. I'm going to keep you until someone finds you...or until you die!"

Thomas' POV
"FUCKKK!" I screamed to no one in particular. I managed to get myself into my feet and walk around comfortably. My dad. It had to be my dad. Who else would've taken Newt. All my life my dad had discriminated against gay people. And I think that's one of the reasons why I turned out Bisexual.

I have no idea what I as going to do but I needed to think. The first thing I need to do is get some money but I have no idea where Newt kept it. Fuck this is going to be tricky.

Up ahead saw someone. Teresa Gally and minho. Shit how am I supposed to tell them what I'm doing. About Newt. Fuck....

Bully - part one Where stories live. Discover now