Momentarily Blind

Start from the beginning

"That was not the medical technique one would use to heal something... but rather to injure something," Nao says, a small pout on her lips, " You know, Tsunade-sama I have always looked up to you, even when I was a small child to become a great medical ninja, just like you when I grew up... but I am slightly disappointed that my idol would actually trick an old friend like that..."

Kabuto and Tsunade both begin to fight, but before things could get really serious, Kabuto jumps away and leads everyone to a grassy field.

Although at first Tsunade was able to hold Kabuto off, Kabuto was able to get the upper hand by exploiting Tsunade's hemophobia (fear of blood). Before Kabuto could use that weakness of the blond Sanin's against her, others join the fray.

"Huh!? Kabuto, what are you doing here!?" Naruto exclaims in suprise when he spots the white haired ninja with the glasses.

"Naruto,  look at the headband the boy is wearing," Jiraiya points out calmly, "it is a sound headband... meaning that he is with Orochimaru."

Naruto turns around to glare at the snake sannin until another figure catches his eye, "N-Nao-chan!?"

Nao tilts her head in Naruto's direction, a small frown gracing her features, "Gomen nasai gozaimasu, Naruto-kun!" Nao says. Jiraiya frowns, he remembers the young girl.. the one who could summon Yuki. Now it made sense to Jiraiya as to how a young girl like Nao could have met with something so dangerous as Yuki.

While Jiraiya tried his best to hold off Orochimaru, despite his handicap of being unable to fully control his chakra due to Tsunade's potion, Naruto and Shizune tried to protect Tsunade, but before the young woman with the pig could reach them, Nao stops her.

Kabuto proceeded to attack Tsunade, but Naruto intercepted him. Infuriated, Kabuto began to pummel Naruto, "You are not actually a ninja, Naruto... You are just lucky. Unlike Sasuke who actually works for his strength, you are just a burden... a fool," Kabuto says.

While Kabuto and Naruto are fighting, Nao and Shizune exchange a few blows, Nao was using a chakra scalpel, a technique that Kabuto had perfect and taught her.

Kabuto charges at Naruto with a kunai, Naruto allows his hand to be impaled by the weapon, effectively holding Kabuto in position.

He then used a shadow clone to mould chakra into his free hand forming the Rasengan, it hits Kabuto in the stomach, which shocked both Tsunade and Orochimaru.

The Rasengan was so powerful that, even with Kabuto's excellent regeneration ability, there was still too much damage for Kabuto to repair immediately. Nao, leaving her battle with Shizune and runs over to Kabuto to help heal his injuries, with their combined power, the injury was healed in no time.

However, prior to getting hit by the Rasengan, Kabuto had severed Naruto's arteries leading to the heart, meaning that Naruto would soon die.

Tsunade slowly gets up from her spot on the ground and makes her way to heal Naruto, as he couldn't recover by himself as the Nine-Tails' chakra couldn't be used if the heart's arteries were cut.

Tsunade was able to heal Naruto, but Orochimaru realised that Naruto had become too powerful, and that his only chance to kill Naruto would be right now. Orochimaru lunges in Naruto's direction with the Kusanagi sword, but before he could reach the blond haired gennin he was stopped.

Nao pants, sweat dripping from her forehead as she holds onto the Kusanagi sword with her bare hands, blood oozing from deep cuts on her hands.

"Ne, Nao-chan.... what have you done?" Orochimaru asks calmly yet a sliver of annoyance. Naruto, and everyone else watches Nao, suprise written across their faces. Jiraiya frowns once again... this girl was peculiar... though she was fighting for Orochimaru, she was willing to risk her life for a certain blond haired baka.

"S-sumimasen, Orochimaru-sensei... demo (demo is a japanese word for but) can you not kill this boy...?" Nao asks, her bandaged face tilted in the  direction of Orochimaru who stood before her.

Orochimaru sighs, "Very well, Nao-chan... but next time do not interfere with what I do... wakarimasuka? (understand?)."


Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru all jumped back, doing the same handsigns, Kabuto doing the handsigns for Orochimaru, at the same time they used the Summoning Technique.

Tsunade summoned Katsuyu the slug.

Jiraiya summoned Gamabunta the toad.

Kabuto summoned Manda the snake.

Manda was furious that he was even summoned... he never did like Orochimaru, Nao looks up at Manda,' general direction, a small smile gracing her lips.

"Konichiwa (Good afternoon) Manda-san!" Nao says happily, Manda looks down at the small girl, his eyes softening.

"Konichiwa Nao-chan," Manda says, he turns his attention to Kabuto and Orochimaru whom stood ontop his head, "I expect one hundred human sacrifices for this, gaki (gaki- a japanese word for brat)."

After a short battle between the summoned beasts, Tsunade was able to drive Gamabunta's sword down through Manda's mouth, leaving him pinned to the ground.

Since Manda couldn't move anymore, he left in a poof of smoke. Tsunade then proceeded to beat up Orochimaru with her monstrous strength.

Orochimaru sighs, "Though the plan did not work for you to heal my arms," he says, jumping away from the blond sanin, Nao and Kabuto standing on his sides, "I will use another technique... so this will not be the last time you will see me," and with that Orochimaru jumps away, Kabuto following close after. Nao stands there, her head facing the same direction that Jiraiya amd Tsunade stood with Shizune tending to Naruto's wounds.

Both Tsunade and Jiraiya get in fighting stances, Nao lets out a small giggle, "No need to be ready to fight! I just have a small message I want you guys to give Naruto-kun," Nao says, a small smile gracing her lips. Jiraiya and Tsunade exchange uncertain looks.

"Just tell Naruto-kun that I am deeply sorry that I had tricked him... and that I hope to see him soon," Nao says, giving the two Sanin a small bow before jumping away to the same direction that Kabuto and Orochimaru had taken off.

"Even though that girl is basically blind..." Tsunade says, glancing to the white haired toad sanin beside her whom was still watching the small but lithe figure of Nao.

"She had put up a good fight... and being able to stop the Kusanagi sword while not being able to see it..." Jiraiya says, looking away, switching his attention to his passed out student.

"I wonder how Nao knows Naruto..." Tsunade murmers quietly.

"They met at the Chunin exams... I had actually met her before too," Jiraiya says.

"Huh, really?" Tsunade asks curiously, peering up at Jiraiya.

"Yeah, I was training the baka to summon and she basically appears out of no where..." Jiraiya says, laughing quietly, "Do you know what her summoning is?" Jiraiya asks, his voice dropping lower into a whisper.

"What is it Jiraiya?"

"Yuki, remember the Polar Bear." Tsunade gasps in suprise, Jiraiya nods in understanding.


Woot, woot! Done with chapter ten, haha finally in double digits! How do you think this chapter was...?

And what do you think about Nao's eyes? What do you think Orochimaru did to them, was it a success or nah?

Anyway, ten votes and a couple comments and I'll update!

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