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I'm not sure how, but the moment Clotho stepped out of the room I knew just what I had to do. I need to call Eris.

The idea struck me after all of my gloating towards my situation and somehow I feel like I can do it, that I have the ability to summon her out of her hiding, wherever she may be.

I closed my eyes and breathe. Inhale, exhale. Focus. I did it again and started saying "Eris, come to me, come to me and talk to me" I did it over and over again like a chant, like sacred words on a ritual. After a minute, nothing happened. "Damn it!"

I can't give up, no, I won't give up. Clotho said that my heart and head must have a strong union for me to be able to control my own string and I just know that I can use that to call Eris out of the shadows.

I shifted on bed and straighten my back. I started breathing slowly again, more determined than my first attempt. "Eris, come to me" I chanted a little louder than before "Eris, come to me. Show me yourself."

The wind bristled through my hair, I shivered but I refuse to break from my concentration. I will not be scared this time around, I will soldier on until my very last breath and that is my vow, the foundation I need to establish my ability to control my own thread. I feel it now, like it's suddenly branded in my bones, tattooed in my heart and carved in my soul. I can't explain how it feels but I' m certain that this will be my turning point.

"Eris, come to me" I chanted again, louder, deeper and provoking, challenging the goddess, willing her to come out and the room seemed to breathe with restlessness along with me."Eris, face me. Eris. . ." the wind bristling through me from my slightly ajar window stilled but I can feel the cold creeping in, crawling on the walls and caging me. I clenched my teeth and fought the teeth-grinding cold. I feel like I'm inside a fridge. She's here, I can tell. I opened my eyes and looked around. The room looked as it is except for the freezing temperature.

"I know you're here," I snarled fiercely, glaring at every empty spot covered with shadows "face me Eris. Let's get this over and done with."

"Oh I'd love too" she whispered behind my ear, her voice eerily calm and deep with that echoey sound. I felt my body quiver from the roots of my hair to the tips of my toes. I did not move, even breathing suddenly became hard to do. I felt her move until her ghostly appearance is finally in front of me. She still looks the same. Disheveled hair intertwined with writhing snakes, tattered clothes, florid skin and a very menacing smile on her ghostly face. "Tell me, why did you call me? Are you going to finally give up your body?"

"Not in a million years" I shouted standing up, fisting my hands. I glared at her and I'm almost shaking with anger now. She laughed that horrible laugh that will hunt you at night. I gritted my teeth and stopped my self from losing total control of myself.

"What a fool. Do you think you can stop me?" she asked mockingly, spinning gracefully as if she's dancing on a tune "let me tell you now that whatever you do, I will take over your body and soon rein control with it, just like before, so don't fight it." My hands are shaking uncontrollably with how taunting and aggravating Eris' face looks like but I know that it's her main goal so I can't give her the satisfaction of witnessing how gravely affected I'm with her utterly devious plans.

I stepped forward, looking at her dead in the eyes "why don't you try?" something flashed across her horrid looking face, her eyes widen and her ghostly appearance turned gray. I'll be dead anyway, so why not fight fire with fire?

"You useless piece of flesh" she spat out, her face contorting in a way that will make you sick in the gut, words slowly dragged dripping with venomous desire to do harm "how dare you taunt me?" she's laughing now "you think I can't kill you?"

IRIDESCENT 💀 [Greek Mythology] 🚩#WATTYS2020Where stories live. Discover now