Chapter 2

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When they reached their destination they realised this building was bigger then the Whitehouse. They were both feeling pretty different as they sat in the car just staring at this enormous building. Sam was sat there with a massive grin on his face like a child going to Disney world but Colby, on the other hand, was looking at this place like he was staring straight into hell. Everything in this abandoned town was decaying and falling apart which would make great photos to put on social media. Sam clapped his hands together in excitement which made Colby jump. "Should we start filming then?" Sam said smiling wildly at Colby. Colby unbuckled his seatbelt.

"I guess." Colby sighed, scared that they might get hurt and nobody would be around to help. Colby opened the door and hopped out with Sam following. They got their equipment out and set up their camera to film the intro. "Hey, what's up you guys? It's Sam and Colby." Colby said faking his enthusiasm for the video.

After that, he let Sam do the talking because he was not in a very good mood and he didn't want to snap at Sam especially in front of the camera. Sam explained about how nobody knew anything about place and how dangerous it was.

Once they had finished their intro they began to walk to the building but then Colby stopped Sam by grabbing his arm before they reached the metal fence surrounding the building. "Are you sure about this? I mean I don't want to die in here. There are plenty of other less dangerous places to go." Colby whimpered, actually fearing for their lives.

"Colby, it'll be fine," Sam said looking into Colby's eyes and then putting his hand on his shoulder to try and reassure him. "Look at this place, its a basically a goldmine! Nobody has ever done an exploration video in here before. We are gonna get so many views and it'll be fine, you'll see." Sam said reassuringly with his hand still on Colby's shoulder. Colby sighed wanting to fight back but he knew Sam would eventually win so he gave up and carried on with the video.

Was a video really more important than their lives?

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