Chapter 4: Shocking Discovery

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D r e w

I woke up by the sound my alarm clock going off. I had set it up the night before, just in case for some reason, I slept in or something. I was planning on leaving for the next town early in the morning. I could've have stayed longer but. . . Why for? May's mad at me anyways.

It wasn't my intention to make May upset... The only reason I told those girls those things about May was because I was afraid my secret was gonna come out. And that is. . . that I'm in love with May. The bad thing was... May just so happened to be standing there when I said those things and she heard me and misunderstood the situation. I just wish I could undo what happened yesterday... that way instead of saying all those things, I would've have said my true feelings for May.

Now there's not going back. . . What's done is done. May will never talk to me again. I will never ever get another chance to tell her my feelings. "Guess we should get going now..." I told my Pokémon, Roselia. I stood up and let her back inside the Pokéball while opening the door. I didn't walk out the door yet though. . . First, I decided to write May a letter just in case. . .

I don't think giving this letter to Ash is a good idea. Who knows what he'll do with it? He'll probably never even give it to May. . . He'll think it's just a random piece of paper. Of course. . . dense Ash never changes. Max on the other hand. . . Is a different problem. Sure, he's May's brother and all but. . . he just doesn't seem like the right person to give this to and plus, he'll probably just tease me if I give it to him. Definitely not him.

And then there's Brock.

Brock is trustable and not as dense as Ash. Plus, I'm sure he won't tease me about the situation either. . . I'm sure he'll understand. I mean, come on! He's the perfect person to give this letter to. He'll definitely give to May and plus. . . I've been told Brock has some experience with this.

He's constantly flirting with either Nurse Joy or Officer Jenny every time he sees one, or both of them.


After I finished writing my letter, I closed the door to my room and went off to find Brock. I just hope he's awake.

While on my way, I just so happened to bump into someone. Brock. Hah, just the person I was looking for! I guess luck is on my side today. . . who would've thought? Yesterday, luck was on my bad side. I guess I just got a bit lucky. "Oh, hey Drew." Brock said, greeting me.

He then noticed that it was still really early because he asked, "Say. . . why are you out of bed this early?" I smiled and answered his question, "I decided to leave early for the next town." He smiled. "Oh, alright. Why are you leaving so soon though?" He asked while I frowned.

"May got mad at me apparently." I said, trying to make it sound like a joke but I don't think it worked. "Oh. . ." Brock responded. We stood there in silence. "Say. . . would you mind giving this letter to May when she wakes up and tell her that I'm sorry?" I asked, breaking the silence.

Brock nodded. "Thanks Brock!" I said while beginning to run. "See you soon and say bye to the others for me!" Brock waved and yelled, "Sure will!"


I finally arrived at the Golden Bridge. This place is very beautiful for all people and Pokémon. It's a peaceful and calm place, which I love to come to whenever I'm visiting.

I wonder if May read my note already. . .

I just hope she can forgive me. That's all I need. She doesn't have to return her love for me if she doesn't want to. . . but I would at least like it if she were to forgive me. But. . . What if she doesn't forgive me though? Will we be rivals forever. . .

I shook my head, snapping out of my thoughts while looking down at my watch. Wow. Time sure flies fast. It's already been about an hour since I arrived here. I was about to turn around and start walking to the next town knowing May won't be coming when suddenly, "Drew!" A voice called out to me.

I turned around to look at the person. I was first thinking it was probably a random fan but that couldn't be right. I knew that voice from anywhere. It was May. She was running straight to me. I froze. So she did read my note then. But. . . What now? Is she coming to yell at me again? No! Think positive, Drew!

She stopped right in front of me. "Drew." She said once again. I didn't know what to say. "Oh, hey May. . ." I said, trying to sound calm. "I read your note." What now?! "Oh. . . You did didn't you? So, can you forgive me?" Way to go, Drew. Now she'll definitely never forgive you.

"About that. . . I wanted to ask if you really meant everything you said back then. That I don't mean anything to you. Be honest." She stated. "Uh, but isn't it true? Aren't we just rivals? I don't think I could even call you my friend! We're supposed to be rivals and not be all friendly, remember?!" I exclaimed a bit too loud.

People near by and their Pokémon started looking at us. It was silent. "A-Alright. . . I understand." May said after some time while walking away. Omg Drew! Why did you say that for?! Now you made her upset!

"W-Wait, May!" I said while catching up to her and grabbing her wrist. "Forget everything I just said right now. You do mean something to me. And it's far more than just being friends with you." I looked at her in the eyes.

"Um. . . Drew? What are you trying to tell me?" She asked, blushing slightly by how close we were. I took a deep breath. "May, what I'm trying to say is that I really like you. I always have, I just didn't know it till recently."

I didn't give her time to say anything because just then my instincts kicked in and I kissed her. Her eyes widen, her face completely red now.

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