Medieval Times (Epilogue)

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Written By: MudkipBrony
The final stretch people! It might be past one in the morning for me and I have to wake up early later but I don't care! Because we're almost done!


After Lizzie gave Dan all her land for Stacy and Stampys freedom she had no idea what to do. Lizzie hoped and prayed that Dan would choose their love over magic, but her prayers were never answered. Since Stampy was a technically second in line for the throne of the Western Kingdom he managed to convince his brother Lukas to let Lizzie's people stay, though at a price. Lizzie couldn't be the queen of her people, which she was fine with. And luckily most of her people agreed, well they weren't her people anymore they lived under King Lukas and Queen Petra.

Although Lizzie wasn't the queen anymore she was still considered a noble and lived with Stampy, Stacy, and King Lukas since there was plenty of room for her to stay. And although Stacy couldn't have predicted Dan falling in love with Lizzie, one thing was for sure that Lizzie's real Soulmate was at that ball and he lived in the Western Kingdom. Although it took some time Lizzie moved on from Dan to her real Soulmate, a man named Joel who was going to talk to Lizzie at the ball but she ran to talk to Dan before he could do so. And in their future, the two married and did have children, and lived the rest of their lives in peace.


Meanwhile, before any of that children stuff happened Stampy had to keep Stacy's future seeing power a secret from Lukas, she would be banished otherwise. Though nothing stopped Petra from finding out and telling Lukas. And instead of a banishment, he did everything in his power to get rid of that stupid magic ban, and it worked!

Well, at least Stacy was free to stay there was still a problem of their hidden love. To a common and a Kings' eye, Stacy was just a worker for a Queen. Though Stampy wasn't about to hid any spy any longer and went to Lukas to tell him the story about how it was all Stacys plan to confront a mentally unstable Dan alone and sacrificed herself so that Stampy could get home safe.

Lukas (being the nice king that he was to his younger brother) gave Stacy some sort of a royal title that being: Lady Stacy of the Woods. Which was just enough to consider her as some kind of royalty. Stampy and Stacy did end up getting married only two years after the whole Dan incident.  A lot of people found it fascinating how Stacy went from servant to Lady, to Princess in a matter of two years.

And Dan's brief vision of the future of that family? Well, let's just say that instead of having only instead of just one son, there was also a daughter, twins. Samuel is the oldest and Libbie is the younger of the two. Let's just say... those two twins would get themselves into a whole heap of trouble. With their bubbly personalities from their dad and just the right about of sass from their mother. And no, neither of them had any magic powers whatsoever. Maybe that's for the best.


Not a lot of people really knew what was going to happen to Britania. For awhile many thought King Dan just ended his life from the pain. Yet he didn't and many years later (Dan just turned thirty at the time) he used his magic to make his favorite animal (turtles) into humans. They acted like humans, walked and talked like humans, they were suddenly humans with no memories of their past turtle lives.

Dan did invite for Anthony, Sparklez, and yes even Sir TorqueDawg to live with him. Much to his surprise they actually came! Although they were all old and could barely do anything, it was nice to have people who were like parents to him. He needed some family around. Dan never did see his actual parents again, and he didn't really care for them or their pathetic Kingdom of the North.

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