Chapter 49 - Shadows

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 Once Scott broke the ones on his ankles as well, he came over and ripped off all of mine. I rubbed the area on my wrist where the straps had dug Stiles' bracelet into my skin, but it was already healed. Curious, I lifted up my shirt to see that the gash was still there, or at least my mind thinks it is.

 "What now?" Scott asked as I stood up.

 "I don't know," I said. "This is my first time in someone else's head,"

 "Just stay behind me," said Scott, giving me a look.

 He walked towards the door, and I followed a few steps behind him. It squeaked when he opened it, and he looked back at me as he walked through. Just as I brought my arm out to hold it open, the door slammed shut in my face.

 "Scott! Scott!" I shouted, pressing myself up against the door and wiggling the knob. I pounded my hand against the wood. "Scott!"

 There was no response. I squeezed my eyes shut, letting out a heavy sigh and turning around, my back pressed against the door. When I reopened them, the room was entirely different. I no longer felt like I was in a cell in an insane asylum. Instead, I felt like I was at the hospital. 

 There was a wall directly in front of me, and on the right side appeared to be a hallway casting light into the room. I took a slow step towards it, glancing around to be sure of my surroundings. Something just felt eerie.

 "Emma," said a familiar voice. "Emma,"

 "C-Cora?" I called back, picking up my pace towards the hallway.

 I turned and walked into one of the familiar halls of Beacon Hills Hospital. The lights above me were flickering, like they had the night Stiles cut the wires. I whipped around to check behind me, then turned to the front again. I appeared to be the only one here.

 "Cora?" I called out again. "Are you there? Cor - "


 The sound of her voice broke me off. She was leaning out of a doorway just a few feet down, carefully peeking out as so not to get caught. Her eyes glanced down both sides of the hallway before signalling me to go over to her with the ushering of her hand.

 I obeyed, hurrying down the hall on my toes and looking around before following her into the room. I snapped around at the sound of the door clicking shut behind us. My breathing was heavy, and my heart was racing a mile a minute.

 "What're you doing here?" I asked Cora, walking towards her. 

 "I'm here to protect you," she said. I was about to ask why when she brought me back towards the door and pointed out the window. "From that,"

 Out in the hall was what I assumed to be the Nogitsune. It was wearing an old bomber military jacket and it's skin was covered in old bandages. It sneered it's mouth, revealing a massive set of razor sharp teeth. 

 I held my breath as I watched it scratch the kanji symbol into the wall, the same one the Oni burned onto us. Cora pushed us back when the Nogitsune turned it's head towards the door. She must not want it to see us.

 "What's happening?" I whispered, my voice trembling. 

 "You shouldn't be here," said Cora. "You shouldn't have come,"

 "I have to help Stiles,"

 "No, you don't understand," she said. She moved to face me. "Even if you manage to get to him and guide him out, you'll be releasing the Nogitsune. With you here, it'll have enough strength to make it's own host,"

 Maybe this was all a trick. The Nogitsune knew we would try and get into Stiles' head and it knew I would be one to go in. It has me right where it wants me, and everything is going exactly according to plan.

Oblivion (A Stiles Stilinski/Teen Wolf Fanfiction) [3]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon