Meet the Allstars

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"Westley? You coming babe?" Hillary asked--or rather reminded--her boyfriend expectantly.

"Yeah, where are the sign ups?" He asked as he put an arm around her and they began walking.

Liam put his arm around Leela as well, but she shoved it off--much to Liam's dismay.

"This way" Hillary lead them to the board. She signed their names over multiple different spots.

"Perfect" She smiled. Westley frowned but said nothing, instead turning his attention to Leela.

"You auditioning Leels?" He asked her curiously.

"I don't need to? Duh Wesy?" She scoffed and gave a giggle before pulling Hillary away, immediately engaging in recounting some drama that had recently unfolded last night.

Westley, who had already lost track of Liam, shrugged and headed to his first hour, passing Liam, who had secretly stayed behind to sign up for an audition slot as well.


Hillary Rae Miller ruled William McKinley High. She was the head cheerleader, she was dating football player and hottie extraordinaire Westley Smythe, and she had a kickass #2 who matched her in mischief and in lipgloss. Hillary had a need to be on top ever since she was young and had to live in her older sister's shadow. Madelaine had been better than her at everything they had done together as children from piano to swimming to softball, but the one thing Hillary could do better (and she knew it) was singing. So she had done everything in her power to get and stay in power in high school, where Madelaine couldn't touch her. Everybody thought she was hot and sucked up to her, and those who didn't soon learned to after some public humiliation. Whatever Hillary wanted, she demanded, and someone almost always delivered. Hillary was on top of the world, and nearly nothing could bring her down. She was exactly where she wanted to be.

Leela Rose Xing had been Hillary's number two since the first class on the first day of freshman year. Leela was rich as hell and had no problem exploiting the fact in order to get what she wanted. She threw money at all her problems and they managed to solve themselves. She had even taken singing lessons from the best coaches in the state when she had dreamt of being a pop-star. She was feared for her vicious comebacks and the death stares she gave to girls who checked out Liam, her on-again-off-again football player 'thing' (as they were labelled). Leela was a front of strength and if she had any crack or weak points, she hid them well behind a lip glossed smirk.

Liam Grant Oswald was Westley's #2 and boy-toy to Leela. He was a star football player and was the epitome of ignorant, unintelligent, and insensitive high school popular boy. All he had going for him was his looks and athletic skills. He had been rather ignored as a child, and found solstice in music, but that was something he would never admit to anyone. He had been well-liked since a young age and had simply gone with the flow. He had few cares, almost no responsibility, and no plans for the future. He was a lost kid and wished more than anything that someone would care about him.

Westley Carter Smythe was McKinley's "it-boy". Handsome, athletic, witty, sarcastic, charming, he was a total package. He was dating Hillary, had an easy best friend, and was the focus of the whole school. He had been singing since he was four and everyone knew that he had a voice like silk. He had performed at numerous talent shows and was known to burst into catchy song and serenade people. Anything he wanted, he simply asked for and received. But being in the spotlight all of the time got tiring, and Westley found himself wishing that he could escape it sometimes. He wanted to be invisible and simple sometimes, able to just exist without prying eyes and critique or praise. But for the most part, he was content with his life. At home, things got more difficult, but what was the use in dwelling on that?

The "Allstars"--as the were referred to--were on top, right where they wanted to be. But the Glee Club was about to change all of that.

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