Guess who's back!

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    Dean and his friends were still in the living room. They were making a plan of action. Dean said, "The pack lives up in Carson. They have a big expensive house in the hills. My 'parents' decided that was the perfect place for hiding."

John said, "The east wing of the house has the easiest entrance point. If we go through that area we are least likely to get caught." John looked at Dean then asked, "We bring Sasha, and Callahan." Dean shook his head and said, " No way! We are not bringing them in!" John sighed and said, "They can help us De!"

Everybody was confused on who Sasha and Callahan were. Seth asked, "Who are Sasha and Callahan?" Dean and John both looked at him. Dean said, "Sasha is one of my best friends who is also a wolf. Callahan is a vampire and a part of my pack." Seth asked, "You actually have more than one best friend?" They all laughed and dean continued, " Sasha grew up with me and John, but she is homeschooled!"

John then said after a minute, "We could use all the help we can't get!" Dean sighed and ran his hand over his face. He look at his friends and lover and said, "Fine.... I'll go call them both!"

Dean got up and left the room to call Sasha and Callahan.

On the phone with Sasha...
S: hey Deanie!!
D: hey baby girl!
S: what do you need D?
D: We need you help! The pack is after me again!
S: I'll be right over D!
D: Thank you Sash! I love ya
S: love  you too !

Dean sighed then went to call Sami

On the phone with Callahan...
C: Sup Ambrose!
D: I need your help Sam!
C: of course! Whatever it is I'm happy to help!
D: It's the pack again!
C: I'll be over in a minute D!
D: Thank you so much bro!
C: See ya in a few minutes!
D: ok!

They both hung up. Dean went back into the other room and said, "They should be here any second!"

A few seconds later their were two sets of hands knocking on the door. Dean went over to open the door. Once he opened it, Sasha launched at him and into his arms. Deans arms wrapped automatically around her waist. Sasha buried her face into Deans neck.

Sasha was two years younger then him. Dean and her met when Dean stopped someone from bullying her. Sasha was five and Dean was seven.

Dean said, "Hey baby girl!" Sasha sniffed and said, "Hey Deanie!" Sasha then jumped out of his arms into John's arms. Dean and John both laughed.

Dean then bro hugged Sami. Dean shut the door and then turned to his friends and lover.

Sasha, after she was done hugging John, went over to Dean and tucked herself into his side. Dean said, "Guys I would like you to meet Sasha and Callahan or Sami!" Deans friends all said hi at the same time.

Dean guided Sasha and Sami to the couch so the could figure out the rest of their plan.

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