Ok Here It is Pt2

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Dean was scared. He did not want to admit it but he was. His newfound family was willing to go up against his old family for him. He appreciated it, but what would he do if one of them got hurt. John, Roman, Sasha, any of his family... He knew what his family could do to them and he wanted to protect them. Why was it always him. His friends were human, they can get hurt easily, but he knew with the right equipment they could take down his family once and for all. No more looking behind his back whenever he was out alone, and no more worrying about his family. He was ready to end this not matter the cost...

The group somewhat new how to use the weapons, but they all new how to fight since they were all wrestlers and the best ones. 

The group still could not believe it. Their friend who is like the oldest brother to all of them, was a werewolf. They did not even know the supernatural existed. They also can not believe that John knew too and did not tell them, but they all understood. They would protect Dean, and fight for him since he always fought for them. They would take down his old family once and for all. 

Dean looked at his family. He had known some of them since he was little right after his family disowned him. He looked at Roman. His boyfriend since freshman year of highschool. He knew he couldn't be with him forever. (Pretend that werewolves can age but stop at 18 in this world... IDK just do it). He loved him and vowed to protect him. He looked at Sasha, they would be together forever. She was his little sister. He vowed to protect her ever since he met her at that playground and beat up that bully. He looked at the rest of the group, and smiled. He knew not all of them would be together forever since he, Sami and Sasha couldn't age. That broke his heart. He wanted to be together forever but he knew they couldn't so after this battle he's vowing to make the most out of the time they have together.

They practiced and practice until it was time to leave. They packed all of their stuff into Dean's truck. Roman was driving and Seth was in the passenger seat, John and the rest of the group sat in the back of the truck, while Dean, Sami and Sasha sat in the bed of the truck. It was a little bit of a long drive but eventually with Dean's directions, they got there. 

It was dark but you could see the light from the mansion through the forest. It was time. Dean looked around at all of them and nodded. They split up into their groups that were discussed and took off to their respective sides of the mansion. Dean's group head towards the main entrance. But suddenly Dean's ears picked up something to his left. He looked and saw Sheamus. Then he looked to his right and saw another one, then he heard it, "Hey son." Dean looked forward and saw his father. Right then and there he knew it was a trap. They knew they were coming... and this was just the beginning.

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