Finding Out

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Dean and John were walking with their friends and lovers. They just got out of school and were walking to John and Dean's place. Dean and Roman were in front holding hands with John and Nikki behind them holding hands as well. Dean turned to Roman and said, "Hey baby I need to talk to John for a second!?" Roman nodded while Dean kissed his cheek and let go of his hand.

Dean turned around to John and said, "We need to talk Johnny!" John nodded and kissed Nikki on her cheek before she walked over to her sister. John then turned back to Dean and said, "What's up brother?" Dean dragged John over to the side so their friends couldn't hear them speak and said, "There here!?" John's eyes widened and said, "Where?" Dean just shook his head and then he got a certain pain in his head. Dean winced and held his head in his hands.

Dean knew what was happening and so did John. Dean was connecting with the other werewolves or mind linking as other werewolves called it. Dean's the only werewolf powerful enough to do it.

Dean saw the other wolves running in the woods and heard them saying, "He's close and he's with human's!!" Dean couldn't hear the rest since he slammed back into his body.

Dean gasped like he had been underwater for too long. Dean said, "Johnny there in the woods. There is five of them and they know were with friends!!!" John nodded his head and said, "Okay! We need to just hurry to our house since we are only a couple of minutes away." Dean nodded and they joined the group again.

Dean and John stayed in the back while the rest of their friends were talking up front.

Dean and John were scoping out the area to see if they could hear or see the other wolves.

Dean was also trying to sense them and use his super hearing to listen for them. A few minutes later... Dean and John saw three guys jump in front of the group. The whole group gasped except for John and Dean.

One of the guys that Dean knows as Sheamus said, " It's time to come home!?" Dean knew Sheamus had sensed him, but before Dean could say anything Seth spoke up and asked, "Umm... who are you and why is it time to go home?" The second guy Dean knew as AJ Styles said, "So he hasn't told you yet? Wow, he is a coward like Lily and James said!" Dean cringed t hearing his parents names. John noticed and put a hand on his shoulder. Seth continued and said, "WHO are you talking about?" The third guy Dean knew as Ryback said, "The coward in the back with his best friend." Everybody looked back at John and Dean. Roman asked, "Why is it time for one of them to go home?" Sheamus replied, "His parents Lily and James want to kill him!" Everybody gasped.

Dean stepped forward and said, "Tell them to go FUCK themselves! I'm not going back!" John put a hand on Dean's shoulder and said, "He stronger than all of you combined!" Everybody was so confused.

AJ said, "Well if you say he is why doesn't he show us!" All three men turned into wolves. Everybody, except for Dean and John, screamed. Dean growled and stepped in front of the group and turned into a wolf as well. Everybody screamed except for John. John told them, "Stay back!" Nikki said, "What is going on John?" Roman said, "Why did my boyfriend just turn into a wolf-like creature?" John said, "It's not my story to tell it's Dean!"

Everybody turned to the four wolves fighting when they heard a whimper. It was Sheamus. Dean bit into his leg. Then AJ attacked Dean and bit him in the back. Dean whimpered. Everybody shouted, "DEAN!!"

John said, "It's alright! He's fine!"

Dean retaliated and bit AJ back and AJ whimpered. Dean turned his attention to Ryback and attacked him. Ryback bit Dean than Dean bit Ryback. It went like that for a few seconds until Dean bit him really hard in the back. Sheamus, AJ, and Ryback backed off while Dean showed his Alpha eyes.

Ryback, Sheamus, and Aj ran back into the woods afraid of Dean. Dean then turned to his friends and looked at John. John knew what that meant and said, "he saying that he's sorry you guys had to find out this way!"

(Dean has reddish-brown fur with blue eyes but bright red Alpha eyes)

Dean then changed back into a human. He stood up just to fall back down. He had huge bite marks on his back and neck. John ran over to him and helped him up. Roman said, "what the hell just happened?" Dean weakly looked over at him and said, "I'll tell you everything when we get to the house!"

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