Even if I was in coma I could not rest. The constant calculations and negative thoughts made me exhausted. I only felt good and relieved when Rohan was with me, safe and sound.

And about Rohan...

What the hell was he thinking when suddenly out of the blue he kissed me?!

Seriously, I knew Shanaya was not the one for Rohan but still he was in a relationship with her. What was going on inside his head when he kissed me? Not only he cheated on his girlfriend with me by doing that, but now he made me more confused than ever.

And what did he mean when he said that he did not regret the kiss and that he would do it again if he gets another chance?

I even did not want to think about it elaborately. I absolutely did not want to get my hopes up. What if Rohan was going through a phase? What if only because he was missing me tremendously, he did that? What if because he was thinking too much, that he kissed me?

Rohan's sudden change in behavior made me worried more than happy. I was in love with Rohan. My feelings towards him were always serious and permanent. I never expected him to love me back though because I knew that it was not possible. Rohan was like a forbbien fruit to me. Though delicious, I just had no right to taste it. I was out of league for Rohan. But now that the forbbien fruit itself came to me-- now that Rohan himself kissed me, I did not know what to think anymore.

This time, I thanked the God for being in coma. If I were to be healthy right now, I did not know how I would have talked to him again. Then may be, if I were not in coma then Rohan might not have kissed me and I might have already lost his friendship by telling him about Shanaya. May be what happened, ultimately happened for good.

I was afraid, of course. Rohan might think that I was the almighty warrior, who had nothing that he feared but that was not the truth. More than a best friend, Rohan treated me as his role model, so he tended to forget that I was a human made by meat and blood just like him. I did possess humane feelings and fear also happened to be one of them. I was afraid of rejection. I was afraid that Rohan's sudden change in feelings were just because of temporary adrenaline rush. I was scared that anytime Rohan would come and request me to forget everything that happened and go back to being only friends like before. I did not want to wake up to a Rohan who would tell me that though before he thought he did not regret kissing me but now he thought that it was a mistake. Because it was not possible for me to hold back my feelings for him anymore. It was not possible for me to go back to being just friends with him anymore.

I missed uncle Ravi the most on times like this. He was the only person on whom I could depend on for a little bit. He came to visit me once but that was it. Rohan told me that uncle Ravi requested him to deliver the message to me that it pained him seeing me like that and he needed time. I did not blame him. Uncle Ravi treated me and Rohan like his own sons. It would be pitiful for any parent to see their child in a comatose condition.

I did not at all wanted to think about my uncle and aunt. More than being my uncle and aunt, they were my parents. My mom and dad. They must be devastated after what happened. Especially my dad. After he was paralysed and lost his job, he had always burdened himself with the guilt that because of him I had to struggle too much. I had told him a thousand times not to think like that, that I was more than happy to take care of him from such an young age but still, a parent was a parent. He wanted his son to grow up like other children. He wanted me to loosen up for a bit, spend some times with my friends, may be rest for a whole day in home without doing anything. But he knew that it was not possible. Since the start my life was not normal. My uncle tried his best to give me a normal life but I was not fortunate enough to hold onto that. And though it was not his fault, he still blamed himself for my over exhaustion. And now that I was in coma, I even did not want to imagine that what tremendous mental pain he was going through.

Saving His Life(Book 1:- His series) (boy×boy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें