Chapter 3

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The door opened and out came a decently tanned shirtless boy with spiked brown hair.

'He's beautiful.' I thought.

"Alex, come meet the farm girl, she's been looking for you all day." Evelyn said to Alex.

'I-I mean I wasn't looking for just him!' I thought.

"She's been dying to meet you so be nice, she's staying for dinner." I heard Evelyn whisper to her grandson.

"Okay granny, I will." Alex said kissing his grandmother on the cheek.

'He even sounds beautiful.' My cheeks went hot, I knew I was blushing.

"Hi I'm Alex, as you probably already know." He chuckled as he stuck his hand out for me to shake. I took it in mine and shook it.

"I'm Y/n, the new farmer." I said looking up at him, he was actually quite a bit taller then me.

Alex let go of my hand then turned to his grandmother.

"Do you need any help granny?" He asked.

"Yes, you two can set the table for me." Evelyn said as she pulled the lasagna out of the oven, "Ooo, hot, hot, hot!"

"Careful granny!" Alex said turnimg to his grandmother.

"Now, now dear, dont you be worrying about me, I've been through a lot worse then a hot pan." Evelyn chuckled.

"I always worry about you gran, you and gramps are all I have left." Alex whispered the last part to himself but I heard it. I continued to set the table as if I never heard any thing.

"Awe you're so sweet dear, now go get a shirt on and stop showing off for the lady supper is ready." Evelyn said patting Alex on his arm.

'Noooo.' I thought as Alex quickly went to his room and came out with a green wife beater on.

We all sat down for dinner Evelyn said grace then we began to eat.

"This is really good ma'am, thank you for having me over for dinner, I would have just had a granola bar and some fruit to eat." I said as I put more lasagna in my mouth.

"Oh it was nothing dear, you're always welcomed here for dinner anytime. In fact come over tomorrow for dinner, it's Alex's turn to cook dinner and he makes a good pizza, healthy and filling." Evelyn smiled.

"Why dont you just ask her to move in why dont ya!" George grumbled.

"Granny I'm having Hailey over tomorrow remember." Alex said frowning.

"I take it back, have her come." George muttered.

"Gramps!" Alex exclaimed.

I kind of just sat there while the two men argued back and fourth with Evelyn piping in now and then. I quietly finished my dinner and washed my plate in the sink before writing a quick thank you note for dinner then made my way out of the house and back to mine.

When I got to my house I put what I had found in the box beside my house for Mayor Lewis to collect tonight. After I emptied out my bag I took my seeds and began clearing out a section of land in front of my house by the little pond so I could make a little vegetable garden for myself so I can sell my produce, and feed myself of course.

When everything was cleared away I had a nice pile of fire wood and another for stones.

"This long grass will be great for hay once I get some animals and a silo." I said getting some ideas.

Once I tilled up some land I began to plant my seeds, row by row. Once that was done, I grabbed my watering can and wattered my crops good.

I collected all my tools and put them inside the door of the cottage before going back to tackle the two big piles of wood and stone while there was still daylight out.

As I was bringing a load of wood to the wood pile I heard a voice call out to me.

"Hey Y/n?" I turned around and saw Alex at the gate.

"Um hi? What can I do for you?" I said skidishly trying to not look him in the eye.

"I wanted to apologize for dinner. It was rude of me to say that, and you are welcome to have dinner with us tomorrow again." Alex explained, he looked around and saw the now three piles of materials.

"Here, let me help you with that as a way to make amends for my behavior today." Alex said.

"No, no that's al-" He was already on the other side of the gate before I could decline the help.

"Where would you like the stones at?" Alex asked as he brought a whole armful of stones over to the house.

"Um, just right beside the wood pile, uh, thanks. And dont worry about today or tomorrow, I'll eat here or the pub." I said grabbing some wood to add to the pile.

"No it's fine I canceled with Hailey, I know you're new so you don't know many people here, so you won't have any friends yet." Alex said.

"Look, I don't need your pity. I can do just fine on my own." I angrily said throwing the wood down on the pile.

"I never said you can't, I was just saying that you could use a friend." Alex said gettimg defensive.

"I-I think you should leave now, I can do this on my own." I said pointing to the gate.

"You know what fine! Hailey was right, you're bad news, and you don't belong here at all!" Alex yelled, my back stiffened and I could feel tears budding at the corners of my eyes.

"I said leave! Now! And don't worry, you wont have to deal with me ever again!" I screamed and ran towards the forest.

I ran through the forest until I ran right into someone, knocking us both over.

"I'm so sorry, I'm just so stupid for not watching where I was going..." I apologized not looking up at the person as tears slowly slipped out of my e/c eyes.

"It's okay, your name is Y/n right?" I looked up and saw the person that I ran into was Sebastian. I nodded to his question.

"Yeah, a-and you're Sebastian?" I asked just in case I was wrong.

"Yeah, it is... Hey, have you been crying?" He asked as he tilted my face up toward him a little to get a better look at my puffy red eyes.

"What happened to you? Are you okay?" He asked holding my chin with one hand and moving my face side to side to get at different angles.

"I'm fine I was just looking for the dock so I can clear my head." I said rubbing my stinging eyes.

"Here I'll walk you to it. I never really come this far at night, but maybe its a good thing I did tonight." Sebastian said as he walked me to the dock.

"Ugh thanks for walking me here Sebastian." I thanked.

"Dont mention it, get home safe tonight, and feel better tomorrow." Sebastian started walking away, "Oh and Abigail told us she invited you to hang out tomorrow, thats cool with us as well. We usually meet around seven and order something at the Pub to eat so I hope to see you there tomorrow. Night!" Then he ran off.

I turned to the water and sat down so my feet were dangling off the edge and began crying again. I eventually cried myself to sleep and passed out on the dock.

Farmer's Life For Two (A Stardew Valley Alex X Reader Love Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt