Chapter 2

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A loud crow was heard from a roster nearby, I groaned and grabbed my phone to check the time.

6:00 am. I groaned even more at that.

"Well I guess I'm awake now, might as well get up." I mumbled to myself as I pulled my body out of bed.

I saw a small package on the floor by the table, there was a little note with it as well.

'To help you get started
-Mayor Lewis'

I opened the package and inside was fifteen parsnip seed packets.

"That was nice of him, I'll plant those later today." I said.

I quickly got dressed and brushed my teeth. I grabbed a granola bar out of the box on the table and went outside.

'I think I'll go into town today and introduced myself to everyone.' I thought as I walked down the steps and out of the farm.

Walking towards town I passed the buss station and a little bit farther ahead I see something shiny half way in the ground. I grab my portable mini hoe out of my backpack and dig it up.

I pulled it out once I dug up most of it, it looked like some kind of crystal. I put it in the front pouch of my backpack for safe keeping, then I headed off to town again.

When I got to town I was instantly faced with the faces of curiosity from the people who passed me on the street. I saw a store and went in.

"Might as well get some groceries while I'm out and maybe look at the seed selection too." I said looking at the store, then I went in.

As I walked in a little bell rang. I walked over to the counter.

"Ah yes, you mist be the new farmer that moved here. My name is Piere, and those two ladies over there are me wife Caroline and my daughter Abigail. Now what can I do for you today." Piere introduced everyone.

"Hi I'm Y/n the new farmer as you know. I was wondering, what kind of seeds you have here for sale right now?" I asked the man tilting my head to the side slightly.

"We have; parsnips, cauliflower, potatoes, jazz, tulips, green beans, and kale. Would you like any of them?" Piere asked placing each packet on the counter.

"Can I have five of each please, oh and a bag of peaches, and oranges, I love friut." I asked.

"Certainly. We also have fruit trees as well if your interested." Caroline added in as she walked over to her husband behind the counter with a bag full of fruit.

"Thanks but not today, I'd have to make space on the farm for that first." I said with a smile on my face as I gently declined the offer.

"Alright, here you go, thank you and come back soon." Caroline cheerfully said handing me my bag of groceries, I put it all in my small back pack.

I was just about to leave when Abigail came up to me.

"Uh... So yeah I'm Abigail, me and my friends Sam, and Sebastian usually meet at The Pub on Tuesday night's, if you want to join us you can, it'd be nice to have another girl in the group to hang out with." Abigail suggested with a smile on her face.

"O-ok, sure, I'll see if I can make it, thanks Abigail." I smiled back at her before leaving the shop.

When I stepped out a little old lady was passing by, she stopped right in front of me.

"Hello dear I'm Evelyn. Its so good to see new people moving to Stardew Valley. My grandson Alex is about your age, I hope you two get along nicely." The little old lady said.

"Its nice to meet you too ma'am, I'm Y/n, I hope I can get along with your grandson as well, what does he look like so I can keep and eye out for him so I can introduce myself to him?" I asked.

"He's a bit taller then you dear, he has short brown hair, hazel eyes, and he's always wearing his green sports jacket." Evelyn explained.

"Thank you ma'am I'll be sure to look for him. You have a good day now." I smiled as she waddled away.

I walked around town a bit more today and met a bunch more people, the last few people I met was Emily and her younger sister Hailey, Hailey was around my age and Emily was a bit older.

When I greeted them Emily was super nice to me, Hailey on the other hand was kind of snobby, and when I asked if they knew where I could find this Alex boy she just became down right snooty. Emily apologized for her sisters behavior and that I could find Alex at Evelyn's house. I thanked her and went on my way.

"Geez, why didn't I think of that?" I asked myself as I made my way the house with a dog pen in front of it.

I knocked on the door and an old man in a wheelchair opened the door.

"Yeah, what do you want? Whatever it is your selling we dont want it!" The man yelled. I backed up a little scared.

"I'm sorry sir but I'm not selling anything I'm here to-" I was cut off by Evelyn butting in.

"George dont scare the poor child. Come on in child Alex should be in his room right now. Have you met him yet?" Evelyn asked as she led me to the kitchen. George just grumbled then wheeled himself back to the living room in front of the TV.

"No, not yet, that's why I'm here. Emily told me he lived here when I asked, and he seems like the only person I haven't met yet now." I explained.

"So that means you've also met that girl Hailey, I never liked that girl, she's got a mouth on her and I dont like it. Oh, I'll go get Alex now, and why dont you stay for dinner too."

"Oh no, I wouldnt want to inconvenience you." I said shaking my head.

"No, no, it's no trouble at all. We are having Lasagna and there is always lots left." Evelyn said as she went to a door next to the living room and knocked on it.

The door opened and out came a decently tanned buff shirtless boy with spiked brown hair.

Farmer's Life For Two (A Stardew Valley Alex X Reader Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now