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Time skip to after the Olympics

Alya had kept me updated on what was going on in Paris while I was competing in the Olympics. She told me that unfortunately nobody was able to watch the Olympics. This just means that I get to have fun revealing my place I'm going to wear my gold medal under my shirt so they'll only be able to tell that I placed at least third. I'm now at school everyone knows that the Olympics are over but they don't know that I'm back in Paris. Here I go I'm about to enter the classroom first though I put my hood up so they can't tell it's me.

"Excuse me young lady could you please take your hood down." Madame Bustier said. I then do as she said and took my hood down.

"MARINETTE YOU'RE BACK!!!!" Everyone but Chloe shouted. They then noticed the part of my medal that was showing.

"Girl that medal means you at least placed third but where did you actually place." Alya asked me.

I pulled out my medal showing it off

I pulled out my medal showing it off

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They all started cheering.

"Girl that is great. I really can't believe that you placed first." Alya said.

"Okay Marinette will you please take your seat so I can give the announcement." Madame Bustier said. Madame then announced that there was going to be a talent show and asked me to stay behind after class.

"You wanted to see me Madame?" I said.

"Marinette, I am signing you up for the talent show. You need to get out of your shell. Yes I know that you competed in front of thousands of people live and for who knows how many more watching on tv at the Olympics. But you need to open up a bit more. I'll give you extra credit for performing but if you refuse you will have detention for the rest of the school year." Madame said.

"I'll do it." I replied. I guess it's time for them to learn about another one of my secret lives.

The many lives of Marinette (Being rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now