CHAPTER 17 (Let's do it)

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Kate's prov

I am not a morning person but sometimes no matter what time it is, you just feel good and that's today. I am surprisingly in a good mood today, I stood in front of the mirror smiling at me but suddenly I remembered that guy from the café. After he cried he told me that " thank you so much but I need to leave, I just can't be here right now." But before he can leave I told him to meet me at the café tomorrow, he didn't reply but I am sure he will come. I got ready and went downstairs to eat my breakfast, when I saw krish sleeping on the couch. I chuckled at him, Angel must have send him out of his house because of some stupid fight. I slowly ate my breakfast, whispered my goodbye to mom and left.

Anna was quite for the whole ride so when we stopped at college I turned to her and enquired "What happened? U okay? " she looked at me, her eyes were watery and that look was enough for me to pull her in a hug, she immediately returned the hug and told me " I have to go to Boston for some family issues. I wanted to tell you earlier but I was afraid you will be mad at me but I'll have to leave tomorrow and" I raised my hand for her to stop and she did "How long?" She looked at me and I can tell it's more days than I think. "Whole WEEK" she frowned and I walked out of the car and slammed the door hard intentionally. I know you guyz must be thinking that I am overreacting but actually the thing is whenever Anna or I go away from this town something big happens every single time so we decided in 10th grade that if anyone will go then she must tell at the moment she knows that she'll be leaving. Anna always keeps leaving without telling me or telling me at the last minute, this is hundredth time she did this to me. She quickly came and beamed at me " kate... come on don't be mad. it's just a week...... nothing can go wrong in a week. "  I rolled my eyes and started walking towards our classroom hoping that she will shut up, but she didn't " I know I should have told you earlier but if I did you would have planned something to make me stay here and this time it's important. Please let go..." she batted her eyelashes and smiled. I chuckled and said " Okay! Anna banana". We both decided to call each other or text daily and took our seats. It was Economics so Claire was busy teaching and I was busy talking to Anna, next class is Mr. Will's which will surely be like hell. The bell rang signalling that it's time to face the jerk, I stood up and sat next to him. He stiffened at first but shifted a little in his seat so that I can sit comfortably, Mr. Will entered the class and ordered us to work on our projects. I waited for him to say anything but I think he is not gonna say anything soon, so I tried talking to him " So.? What do we do now?" He looked at me but didn't reply, instead he took out a list from his notebook and gave it to me " this is a list of popular restaurants in our town, so now... we go there and find out which is the best one" he said like it was fact. I studied the list, it has twenty restaurants in it and we only have 1 weeks to go there and decide which one is the best and 1 week to make our market report and case study. " it's a long list. We have to start today if we want to complete all of them. " I looked up from list and saw him looking or more like staring at me but he quickly shook his head and replied " Oh....! Of course...! So....? Amm...! I mean... you and me.... we should go..... you know? To.... the first restaurant in the list tonight for ummm... may be dinner? " he asked me nervously scratching back of his neck. I am shocked I mean he is asking me for dinner only because of this project so why is he so nervous? He asked me to reply " okay... let's do it?" I replied but it sounded more like a question, but he didn't seem to notice it " Umm..... kate? At what time?" he looked at me and I don't know why but today he seems nervous all of a sudden " I'll meet you there at 7. If that's okay with you?" I asked" Ya sure 7..... is okay.... I mean ya seven is cool ok" he smiled and looked away. He smiled like a real one, a cute one. Okay....! Soo......This is gonna be fun! ;)

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