Summer heat

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(Oh, um... I guess you could call this the 'mini s support chat' HAHAH! No, kidding... Anywho, to the story... P.S. Chrom and Miku aren't married.
P.S. (again xd) Emm is still alive)

"Um... A-Anna, why... Why do I need to wear... This?" It was a bikini. I don't remember wearing one ever in my life, nor did I want to.

"Oh, come on girl! It's simple! Just put the damn thing on!" I stare at the trickster. "Umm... Are you my sister?"

"Haha, no!"

"...Then only my parents or siblings tell me what to do."

"Oh, Validar?" I raise my fist. "You're on my last nerve, Anna."

"Fine, fine! Then, I suppose you don't wanna play in the water..."

"I'M IN!"

(literally me, except more picky about clothing xd)

"...U-Ummm... Anna, is this... Alright?" My hair was in low, tiny pigtails at the back. "Yeah-! Oh, you're still going to wear your robe?"

"...Don't judge me! I love this robe!"

"Fine, I guess I told you to do a bit much after all... Now, get out there and have some fun!"


She shoved me out of the tent, and out to the beach. "Enjoy, darling! I need to get myself ready,"

"I look like a kid in this..." I mumble.

"Oh? But you have a childish personality, that's for sure."

I jump up, a bit startled. "O-oh! Hiya, Flavia! Eheh...heh..."

'Gods, this is so embarrassing...'

"Oh, no need to act so scared. I won't bite- Hey! Where are you going- oh."

I saw a group of shepherds comimg this way- boy shepherds. With Chrom. Damn it. What's with me and running away from him everytime I hear his voice, or spot him from afar? Sure, we had our embarrassing moments...
...a lot of them...

"I guess this is fine," I was under a palm tree with bushes slightly surrounding.

"Oooh... Sand..." 'Oh, gods no.. Please, not now... AHHHHHH!'

"Sand castle?" And my childish personality was taking over.

"Miku? Miku, are you-"

"AHHHHH!...o-oh. It's just you- AHH! NO! What am I thinking?!! I-"

"MIKU! Calm down! It's just me, Chrom!" 'SO?!! Well, we did see both each other... Gods, what am I saying?'

"...hi, Chrom..." I mumble. "Aw, what's the down face for? Hmm..."

"H-hey! Gods, you... grrr...!" He splashed me with water.

"You'll pay for that, you!" I get into the water, and splash him aswell.

'The clear water's really nice... You can see all the fishies!'

"HEY! Where'd you get that from?!!"

"Oh, this bucket? I dunno..." I continue to gather water and splash it on Chrom.

'Wait a sec... THEY'RE ALL IN SUMMER WEAR ASWELL!...AHHHH! But, why am I so freaked out?...'

"WOAH!" A wave knocked me down, causing me to sit. Luckily, I wasn't that deep in the water.

"H-Hey! Don't splash me when I'm on the ground! Hmpf!"

My robes were soaked- but I couldn't just cast it aside.
...but I did anyway.

'Oh, how I'm going to regret this...'

"In a way, this kinda reminds me of the snowball fight we had just last year..."

I chuckle. "JUST last year? Ha! It seems like just a month ago..."

I grab my bucket, gather water, and pour it on Chrom's head.

"HEY! Miku! Rrr..."

"Haha! What? Don't wanna get wet at a beach?" I swim further out, to the point where the water is to my chest.

"Hey! Be a man and get over here!"
'Is he scared of swimming?...orrrr does he not KNOW HOW to swim?"

"Oh, please! Swimming is easy,"

"Oh, really? I thought you didn't have any memories?"

I roll my eyes. "Yes, well, I suppose swimming is... Natural. Once you learn it... It just stays with you, in a way. Now, don't be such a baby! you know how to swim?"

"Y-yes!" I grab him by the arm, and lead him out toward sea. "Then swim!"


"Chrooomm? Chrom, where are y- oh... Oh my... OH MY GODS!"

Was that Miku and Chrom out on the ocean, SWIMMING WITH EACH OTHER?!!

"Emm! EMM! EMMMM!"

I run toward my sister, shaking her hard.


"Lissa! Don't... Ahem, please don't shout so loud...! Now, what is it that you need?"

I point to the tiny blur of Miku and Chrom. "Don't you think they're just CUUUUTTEEEE together?!!"

"Oh...! Oh, my... Why, Chrom's found himself a lady..." Emm giggled.

"Let's swim to them and see what's up!"

Emm sighed. "...Fine. Just this once, alright?"



No sign of Liss and Emm... Perfect. They'd be spreading rumors like a wildfire by now if they saw us.



Miku swam behind me, and grasped my shoulders.


"...What the hell did you just say about me?"



I swam toward the shore, with Miku just behind me.

I finally end up at a point where I'm able to stand up in the water, but a certain someone knocks me down.

"I told you to run while you could! Hehehe- WOAAH!"

She fell down, due to a wave-
...and she fell down on me.

"W...what-! AHH!" She quickly got off of me, and stood up.

"Oh gods..."


"Hehe, yes, I saw that, Liss..." Emm waved at us, and Liss was laughing.

"...Oh gods... It must be the heat..." Miku mumbled.

"It sure might be,"

Aaaaannd, I really wanna go to El Nido, Palawan now. Anyway, here's a song:

It's called Hikaru Nara,
From Your Lie In April. not watch the anime! It's... Depressing.

Anyway, bye bye!

Words: 971

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