Chapter 5 "Find God, Find Me, Then Come Find You"

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         Thanks for staying the course in this roller coaster ride of a story. We're at the wrap up part of my Christian love story. So I found God which is the first part and in the process became secure in who I was and became comfortable in my own skin, and no longer needed anybody's validation to say that I am beautiful, I am righteous, I am worth far more than diamonds, rubies or pearls and I'm the daughter of a king, a real life princess.

But now comes, the finale, the closing part of the book, and the quote, "Then come find me".


My best-friend and the one my heart loves. Jonah and I went to a town nearby with some friends and some leaders a couple weeks ago to do some outreach. Later that night, like at 1 am we were both talking and going on about how we felt about each other to our mutual friend we'll name Sandra. Which eventually led to him messaging me saying we needed to have a talk. We talked and we apologized to each other, let out all that we needed to and cemented our bond that was is the rebuilding process since March. HE WAS THE ONE ALL ALONG. I found him. He was God's match for me, and my true future boyfriend and husband. Hold up! Did you just say future boyfriend? I thought you said you guys cemented your bond? Doesn't that mean you guys are dating? Well let me break it down for you.

           The day we started dating Jonah left for a 1 month Discipleship Training Course. Meaning he would be in scarce contact with me and be away from home until the last day in July. I felt such a peace being with him, like I knew it was right. It is. But the timing? Not so much. We text each other every day since he left. We still do up to this day. With encouragement, I miss you's and I love you's. We were going to tell our parents and all that but I told him I wanted to wait to tell my parents. Not knowing that it was God's divine intervention with the Holy Spirit that led me to say that. And a week later he had told me that he had an accountability talk with 2 of our leaders and they said they don't have a problem with us liking each other, but we should wait some more for a relationship. Use this season to grow more individually and get to know all we can about each other before elevating into a relationship. 

I was mad at first. 

Because I thought, is this a repeat of the last time? God I came too far and went through so much to relive it. Not knowing God was testing me at the time, he wanted to see how I'd respond to the same situation under different circumstance. Through prayer and reflection I quickly realized that God's plan is greater than mine. And we both respect our leaders so much and hold them in such high regard that we listened and obeyed and had no doubt that God spoke to us through them. Remember 1 Corinthians 13? It does not dishonour others? It is not easily angered? It always trusts, hopes, and perseveres? The dots are now connected. And you finally understand the moral of my entire story.

So now I haven't seen him in 2 weeks since we had the summer camp. And he comes home next Tuesday and I couldn't be more ecstatic to see him. 

This love by no means came easy. See what all God had to take me through before he blessed me with it? Your love might come in a way similar to this or maybe completely different. 

The road after he comes back home and we grow deeper in our friendship, building a firm foundation for our future relationship, will not be easy. We'll have our good days and our bad but it's about pushing each other into our respective purpose and keeping each other on the narrow and straight. 

Jonah encourages me so much, and praying for him is a habit, not something I do upon request and he does the same for me. 

Love is a choice. And the same way I choose to love God every day, I choose to love Jonah every day. He's in my prayers throughout the day, in all my devotions, and every night as I close my eyes. He's truly the one my heart loves and God outdid himself with my blessing. 

Patience and trusting God and his process is key to finding the one has waiting for you. 

Keep us in prayer as we continue this journey, and now I'm signing off

This has been 

My Christian Love Story.


                                                                                           The End

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