Chapter 3

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Sariah POV

I was waiting on Jamie's slow self while hearing James complian asking why he can't go.

"Cause you just can't James!" Jamie yelled. "And why the hell not!" He countered.

Its was simple really GIRLS ONLY! But he didn't wanna detach from Jamie smh this boy needs a woman!

I was taking pictures to upload to my instagram when my phone started ringing. Looking at the phone my heart stopped BRAYDON?!

Ooh what do I do? What do I do? I started to panic and pace. Ok stop it get yourself together. I mustered up all the courage i could and answered with a shaky voice.


Nothing but silence was it a accidental butt dial or something. I spoke again this time clearer.



His voice was deep and slightly seductive making my panties dampen. Damn this man!

"Yeah?" Was all i was able to croak out.

"Hey what's up I got your picture you look so amazing"

I felt my face heat up. He thought I looked good. Me? Sariah?

"Thanks haha so hows your day?"

"It's cool gonna go out soon with a few friends nothing big, what about you?"

"Nothing I decided I'll celebrate your day even if your not here. Me and my bestfriend are going to this club The Savoy tonight"

"That sounds like a plan you better send me a pic before you leave. You aren't acting like no hoochie tonight."

I started laughing a hoochie? Haha this boy is a mess!

"Ok ok I will but I'll have to call you later have a good birthday love"

"Bye sweetness"

I got off the phone just in time as Jamie walked in wearing a red sleeveless dress with red wedges and a dab of make-up. Her hair was pinned to the side showing off the many earrings along her left ear.

"What are you smiling about miss thang?" She asked me.

"Ooh nothing just the likes from insta no big deal. Hey take a full body pic of me yeah?"

"Ummm.... ok"

She took the phone and I began my posing session.

~30 minutes later~

"Ok I'm done" I told her taking the phone.

"Finally lets go" she said grabbing her keys and we headed out.

Once in her car I looked over the pictures. I looked good I couldn't chose one so i did a collage of 3. With me against the wall with my hair wild.

I don't know why I'm trying to impress him, but I am

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

I don't know why I'm trying to impress him, but I am.

I sent the picture with the subject entailing 'see no hoochie here'

Well I hope he likes it, if not I gotta go change.

No don't get it wrong, it's not like that though. To make it simple there was a time where I was going to a party at a friend, of a friends house.

Braydon told me the outfit I was wearing wasn't good for that kinda place and I should put on pants and a top.

I got pissed because I had just bought the dress I had on and thought it looked good.

We got into an argument over it on instant messager and the last thing he said was

'at least take the tazer I got you'.

I gave in 'fine I'll take it'

I went to that party and was having fun, dancing with guys, took a shot or two and was having fun, but after a while I had to pee.

I went up stairs to the bathroom but on the way there someone grabbed me.

I tried to fight them but they were stronger and I soon found myself thrown in a bed.

I looked up only to see some guy I danced with smiling back.

"What do you think your doing?!" I shouted.

He smiled and started taking off his belt "giving you what you want and that's this dick girl". I started to panic no I can't lose my virginity like this.

Then I got an idea, I stood up and wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered in his ear seductively.

"Ooh and I've got what you want too" and at that I tazed his ass. "Feels good don't it" I shouted as I ran out the room, the party and drove home.

That night I did nothing but apologize to Braydon and he did nothing but comfort me.

If it wasn't for him I wouldn't still be a virgin today.

Picture Of Jamie.

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