Chapter 1: Smelly Gabe

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"Mom, I'm home!" I said as I kicked of my shoes at the foot of my apartment door. I went up to my mom and kissed her.
She was a tall and thin woman who always has a warm, friendly and gentle smile.
"I think my dyslexia got worse..."
"How come?" Mom said, as she was finishing her artwork.
Just as I was about to answer, my stepfather, Gabe, entered the kitchen.
He was the total opposite of my mom. He was a short, ugly, fat man with a permanent scowl on his face.
"Sally, gimmes some beer, woulda?" He said as he sat down on a chair.
Mom rolled her eyes. "It's in the fridge, Gabe, go take it yourself."
"Wha', ya think the beer would floa' to the table by itself? Help meh take it ya stu'id useless woman!"
Mom sighed and went to take it from the fridge.
"You're really gonna drink in the kitchen?" I asked, as my mom returned with a can of beer in her hands.
Gabe got up from his seat and walked threateningly towards me. "Whatcha gonn' do abou' it, punk?"
He grabbed my shoulders so tightly I almost became orange juice.
"Listen kid, this i' meh house, arrigh'? Meh house, meh rules, go' it?" He smirked, pushing me towards the wall. I gritted my teeth.
"Gabe, don't you wanna drink your beer?" Mom asked, concerned and worried.
Gabe loosened his grip on me, just as I was about to push him away. He turned around and glared at my mom, rather half-heartedly.
"A' I said, meh house, meh rules," he repeated. But sat down anyways and drank his beer.
As he gulped down his beer, I tried to count the number of times that he has been good. I came to a total of zero. Juuussst great.
When he finally went out to play poker with his friends, I turned to my mom.
"Mom, why did you even marry that smelly git in the first place?"I angrily questioned my mom.
Mom looked up from her painting. "He has done us good in... ways you don't understand," she hesitated, as though choosing her words carefully.
I glared at her. "Fine. Fine. I don't understand. I always don't get it. 'I'm just a kid!' Yeah, right." I turned away from her and went back to my room.
Mom didn't answer.

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