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Emma was going to flat out murder me.

Thankfully she was too anti-violence to make that a literal thing, but I was sure as shit that she was gonna do something.


Unless she never found out.

And that backfired too.

She found out alright. And when she did, I didn't expect what came after.

Plot twist; she stopped caring.

Even bigger plot twist; so did Chase.

Maybe this isn't really how the story went. Maybe Chase didn't just stop caring about me out of nowhere. Maybe it was me and my stupid paranoia. Maybe I turned nothing into something. Maybe there was nothing to be turned into something.

But this is what happened next.

You know when you really want to show someone something you can do, and you can do it perfectly until you want to show them? Then you can't do it at all?

That's what this was like.

Chase did absolutely nothing to hide the fact that he liked me. It was obvious. He owned it. He was the worst faker alive, if he even tried to hide it. And if he didn't really just check out out of nowhere, he became a tremendous faker out of nowhere.

The second I started to retaliate whatever it was he had for me, he stopped having it. He stopped acting like it. He stopped acting the way he was before. Out of the blue.

I know I'm all over the map but I have to back up a bit. I can't remember exactly when this happened, but I probably should've added this to an earlier part. I didn't because I can't remember when I found out.

So here it is.

It all goes back to why Chase and Emma were alone together to begin with. He came out to her as bisexual, something she'd already guessed. What I didn't mention is who he actually liked at the time. Harvey Collins.

So Harvey Collins is actually an extremely relevant part of this story. If you thought Chase was a total player and sex addict, you haven't met Harvey Collins. Harvey's girl/sex/drug addiction puts Chase's to shame. Harvey was the ultimate player. And a twin. Which gave him hotness points or something. Their entire city was in love with Harvey Collins. He was a total fuckboy and 'the bad twin.' His twin brother, Lucas, had a steady girlfriend and was the better behaved of the two. Whereas Harvey was all over the place. I mean, the kid literally has a book with names of all the girls he's fucked. I can't imagine the length of that list.

Weeks earlier, it was probably in May sometime, Harvey was dating Holly. And the reason they broke up was because he attempted to rape her. And failed because she totally kicked him where it hurts. Like literally.

And then when Chase broke up with Holly, he started crushing on her attempted rapist. I know how fucking bizarre this whole thing sounds but it actually happened. Trust me. Brutal.

And before Chase had a crush on Harvey, the two were good friends. Chase used to go to his parties and hung out with the twins. They were kinda similar, actually. Chase just to a lesser extent.

So, three days before Chase moved in on me on June 16th, he wound up at the Collins' place. And that's where he got knifed. By Harvey Collins.

Don't ask me why. I don't really know. Harvey Collins is a fucked up kid.

And if you think that's fucked up, what came after was even worse. Harvey brutally, and I mean brutally raped Chase. I don't know the details and wouldn't share them if I did, but I know it wasn't light. It wasn't subtle. It was insane. It was bad. It was seriously serious.

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