The Third Arrow

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While you're probably still recovering and trying to process that whole shindig that was Cameron and my emergency shut down plan, we're gonna be moving on with the story.

Now it's June 18th.

Well, not now. Then. I wish it still was.


On June 18th, Cameron came with Abby and I to drive an hour away that evening to pick up our brand new addition to the family; Nova the dog.

Abby had been over the moon excited to bring her home, and the entire thing was only slightly getting on my nerves.

Okay, I said I wouldn't lie in this story. So it really got on all whatever billion nerves us humans have. All of them.

Cameron agreed to come with me.

We sat mushed up together in the backseat of the car. Abby was on the other side of us.

Meanwhile, the rest of our team was helplessly trying to fix Emma back at the tour bus. The girl was still broken to the core, conflicted and desperate to somehow escape the emotional trap she put herself in months earlier. It was too late when she realized she'd just put herself in an even bigger trap.

It was ten days ago that we hopped on a plane to New York for the day, she got attacked and ended up feeling like Chase understood her more than Danny did, ultimately leading to her jumping ship and climbing up a new one. All aboard the Chase Evans Express. Population: Emma. For now.

Once we picked Nova up and drove back home, we all decided to take her out for her first walk and help her get to know her new neighborhood.

And then Chased joined us.

And then Cameron and I did that whole conversation with our eyes thing.

The thing was, I was not exactly Emma's favorite person. And I sure as shit didn't want to get on her bad side by accidentally stealing her thunder. Although, now that I think about it, that's exactly what happened to Danny. Chase unintentionally stole his thunder and now I was stealing Emma's under the same circumstances. Chase didn't want Emma and I didn't want him.

I was thankful that Cupid only had one arrow and didn't strike me too. Chase liking me didn't mean any more than Emma liking Chase did if I didn't return the feeling. I figured Cupid must've used the first arrow on Emma and the second on Chase. Thank god there was never a third one.

It was all kinds of fucked up. It wasn't a love triangle, it was a love trifecta of doom. A tangled mess. It was death.

My family life was a mess too. Nobody knows that, so I swear to the god of this green earth if any of y'all are reading this and are lying about it, I'm outraged. Anyway, no one knows the circumstances surrounding that. Not even my best friend who's been there from basically day one.

And it was mostly a past tense thing. It all happened a very long time ago and it concluded a little less than a long time ago, but it concluded nonetheless.

And suddenly, it sparked back up.

I won't tell you why I was paranoid from the bottom of my heart, but I was. Scared. I was terrified, actually. And I can't and won't say why. But it was obvious. I guess I used to be good at hiding things. It took until like 2012 for the whole debacle to conclude and ever since then I kinda kept it inside and let my horrible fear die down.

And I forgot how to hide it when everything came back to life.

Unfortunately, Cameron and my subtle emergency shut down plan to get Chase off my back did not work whatsoever. They all said he was socially dumb, and boy were they ever right in that moment. He took absolutely no hint from earlier at the beach. Oh well.

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