"Huh. You can become Hokage ten times over and to me you will still be nobody. A loser." Tazuna said. Naruto tryed to attack Tazuna again but Kakashi held him back.

"Come on guys." I said as I started to walk away.

Sasuke P.O.V.

We have been walking for over an hour and Snow has been walking ahead of all of us. She also hasn't said a single word. Also she keeps glanceing back at Tazuna. I sped up to her.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked her. She glanced at me and smiled.

"Yeah I'm fine." She said.

"Are you sure? You have been acting weird since we left the gates." I said.

"I just have a bad feeling something is about to happen." She said.

"What are you scared?"I asked in a teassing voice.

"No I'm not scared. It's just...It's complecated." She said as she played with her locket. She plays with her locket when she has a lot on the mind or when she is nervous. "Oo A puddle." She said before she ran over and jumped up and down in it multiple times.

"You're so childish Snow."

"I know." The rest of the team caught up to us and we continued walking.

Angel's P.O.V.

I heard something behind me. We all turned around. Kakashi was wraped in chains unable to move. There were 2 guys, each holding one end of the chain. They both pulled tightly and Kakashi was ripped to sheds before my eyes. I felt my heart sank a little. "Angel just stay calm you can do this." I thought to my self. I herd  2 guys  laughing behind us.

"Now it's your turn." One of them said as I turned aroud to face them. Out of nowhere shiriken followed by and a kunni was thrown at the chains connecting the 2 together, making it stuck to a tree. I look from the direction they came from. Sasuke, should have known. Then Sasuke landed on there arms that was connected to the chains. Hes kicked them both in the faces. The chain broke.After catching them selfs they both went in opposite direction. One headed for Tazuna and the other for Naruto. I got the one that was about to attack Tazuna in a choke hold before he couldget any closer him. I went to grap the other but Kakashi beat me to it.

"Hey you're alive!" I said to him.

"You really think that I would die so easy?"He asked me.

"Well no but...... Anyways what do you want me to do with him?" I asked.

"Just tie him up over here." He said. We tied both guys up to a tree. "Naruto sorry I didn't help you right away. I didn't mean for you to get hurt. I just didn't think you would freeze up like that. Good job Sasuke, very smooth. You to Sakura. Angel nice work."

"Thanks." I said. Then walked over to the others.

"Hey, your not hurt are ya? Scaredy cat." Sasuke said to Naruto. I hit Sasuke on the head.

"What was that for?" He asked me.

"For being an Ass-hole. You need to learn to be nicer to people. Expecaly Naruto." I said to him.

"Hn. Whats so speical about Naruto? Why do I have to be nicer to him?"

"Because he is your team mate and we need to respect each other and our differances. Come on if I can be nice to Sakura then you can be nice to Naruto."


"Just at least try."

Kakashi was talking to Tazuna about the ninja who attacted us.

"How did you know about our ambush?" One of them asked.

 "Oh please it's a clear day and It hasn't rained it weeks. The puddle made it ovbious. You 2 need to work on your hiding skills." I said to them.

"Shut it missy! You nearly gave me a concussion jumping on me like that." The other said.

"Well thats what you get when your ninja skills are shitty. Now why are you after the bridge builder?"I asked.

"Why should we tell a little girl like you." The first one said.

"Because this 'little' girl can kick your ass at any moment and got one of you in a head lock earlier, and as for you Tazuna you have some explaining to do." I said.

"May." Kakashi said as he looked at me.

"Yes?" I asked sweetly.

"First off im the leader here not you, but good job at trying to take the lead, second watch your mouth."

"Ok. First off Thank you, second off you're not my dad."

"Anyways, Tazuna she is right you do have some explaining to do. You asked for simple protection from robers and highway-men. You didn't say that there where ninja looking for you,hunting you down. If we knew this i't would be a B-rank misson or higher. our task was to simple get you to your destinasion and protect you while you finnished building your bridge. If we knew we would be fielding a task from enemy ninja we would have staffed differently and charged for the cost of a B-mission. I know you have your reasons, but lying to us is not exepable. We are now beyond the scope of this mission." Kakashi explained. Then Sakura started to talk and I just tuned her out. Out of nowhere Naruto stabbed him self in the cut he got from the ninja who ambushed us. We all stared in shock.

"Why am I so differant. Why am I always....aaaa "Naruto started.

"Naruto! What the hell!"I yelled at him.

"I worked so hard to get here. Pushing myself until it hurt. Training alone for hours, anything to get stronger to reach my dream. I will never back down again and let someone else rescue me. I will never run away. I will not lose to Sasuke. Upon this wound I make this pleage, Belive it! Brigde builder I'll complete this mission, and protect you with this Kunni- knife. A real ninja never gives up and neither will I. Don't you guys worrie about me I'll be fine. Now lets go!" Naruto said as blood ran down his arm.

"Naruto that was really cool how you took the poision out and all but If you lose anymore blood you are going to die." Kakashi said. Naruto freaked out. "Good idea to stop the bleeding now. Seriously." Kakashi finnish. Naruto just freaked out more and Sakura just yelled at him, not helping at all.

"This team is going to be the death of us, aren't they?" I asked Sasuke.

"I hope not." He said. After Kakashi was done helping Naruto with his wound we continued walking to our destonation. We came across a dock with a boat waiting for us. Sasuke helped me on the boat. I sat next to him and grabbed his arm tightly.

"Whats wrong?" He asked me.

"I don't like being on boats."I said.

"Why?" He asked

"Lets just say that last time I was on a boat it didn't end very good." He took my hand and hand it in his. I looked up at him.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to let anything happen to you. Now you should get some rest. You look like you need it." He said as he took my head and rested it on his shoulder. I could feel sakura glare at me with anger. A smile grew on my face.

"Thank you Sasuke." I whispered before I fell asleep.

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