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My mouth gaped open in shock.

"Excuse me?" I whispered. Maybe I didn't hear her clearly.

"You heard me," She folded her arms, "You're not seeing him. Not now, not ever."

I gave a dry laugh, "Mom, you do know that it's not really up to you anymore right?"

"The hell it is! You still live under my roof, young lady, and until you're turning your own key and paying your own bills, you'll abide by my rules." She whipped her blond hair back, a sign of power play. She should know by now that I wasn't keen on her power plays.

"Mother," I said slowly, trying to remain calm, "I've just endured a night of hell, You really wanna do this right now?"

"Oh let's, let's also talk about the fact that you had a fight with your principal and got yourself expelled. Don't think I haven't been keeping track of your delinquent behaviour! If your doing it for attention, you certainly have it!"

I groaned, "Aw man, why'd you have to go and bring up the principal? I told you, she was pissed that her husband's run off with a floozy, tried to take it out on me so I bitch slapped her back into her place. And thank God I'm not going back to that god awful school next semmester."


"If that's even my real name. And have it ever occured to you that I wouldn't be so messed up if you had just let me even speak to my father once in a while?"

"Oh, so you're blaming me for your behaviour now?"

"Yes!" I blurted, "It's your fault. Maybe if he was apart of my life, the shit that's happened to me wouldn't have happened to me!"

I turned my face to the wall so she couldn't see the pained expression in my eyes. As much as I hated to admit it, she was a good mom when she wasn't being a control freak (Though maybe all moms were). However it wasn't enough. She wasn't enough. I wanted a daddy like all the other little girls, but I didn't have one because of her. I felt a warm hand touch my shoulder and I stiffened.

"I'm sorry about everything, Scarlett, I really am. But this nonesense has to stop. No more talk of your father. What's done is done."

I jerked away from her touch as if it burned and I scrambled off the bed. I couldn't believe she just said that to me. "So after all this, you still won't let me see him?"

"My word is final." she said before walking away, Excuse me, I'm going to be late for work."

My blood boiled as she closed the door behind her. How could she? How dare she! Anger flooded my veins and I resisted the urge to lay waste to my room. I'd cleaned it yesterday and I didn't wan't to get splinters into my carpet.

Every cell in my body was screaming that it was imperitive that I find my father, like my next breath depended on it. Silly mom. Did she really think she could stop me? Clearly she underestimated my and needed a reminder of exactly who I was.

Alright, mother. Bolt up all the doors if you have to. I'm just going to have to crawl through the window.

I was going to see my father. Come hell or high water.


I played it real cool.

Cool as ice.

I waited paitently for mom to leave the house before I made my move. She was very clever, I can give her props for that.

But so am I.

The moment the front door snapped shut I'd charged up the stairs to her room, where I was currently pacing back and forth infront of her walk in closet.

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