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Oh, hello--it's you.

I was hoping we would never have to meet, but I knew the day would come that you would seek me out. I could warn you, tell you that what you're trying to do is dangerous, that you are messing with supernatural elements beyond your control and comprehension, but it would be no use. Your curiousity has brought you this far. This is your last chance. You can still save yourself, turn around, walk away and live your life.

You still want to know? Ok, I'll tell you, but you have been warned.

I am going to tell you how to summon 'IT'.
IT-- because even saying it's name will put us both at lethal risks. I'm already risking enough by telling you this.

The process begins at the moment you start to gather the items.

Things you will need:

A Calling Quid- This is a special coin used to beckon a 'being' that is bound to it. For this particular sumonning, you will need a Belshazaarean Calling Quid. You won't find it just anywhere. You will have to get it custom made, or make it yourself if you have the tools. You will need a bit of gold and iron from the middle east in its natural form. IT MUST BE FROM THE MIDDLE EAST or the ritual won't work. Voodoo priests usually have it on hand. (You may even ask a Voodoo priest to make the coin for you.)

You must melt the iron and gold and pour it into a small mold. The mold should have the cresent pentagon (Pentagon with a cresent through the middle) and the Star of David. The mold should then be plunged into hot black candle wax and be allowed to cool.

When you remove the coin-- if one side is iron with the symbol gold, and the other side is gold with the symbol iron, it means that the coin was properly made and the 'being' is now bound to it. Anything other than what was aforementioned, MELT THE COIN DOWN IMMEDIATELY AND BURY IT. An unwelcomed 'being' has been bound to the coin.

Soil from a spot where a church was burned or demolished- This must be done between 5:59 and 6:01 pm in the middle of the week. You need to dig quickly. Use your fingers to dig up the soil. If you get a cut, STOP DIGGING IMMEDIATELY, wash your hands with salt water and do not return until a weeks time. (Also, do not dig in the same place where you dug before)

If you don't get a cut, proceed to scoop up the dirt into a jar. It is adviseable for you to bring salt water with you as you will need to purify your hands.

Ashes of Revelation- Purify your hands with saltwater, find a bible that is old and has seen alot of use. Rip out all 22 chapters of Revelation and burn it using fire from a black candle. It must be black. This will show 'IT' that you hold no regard for what is most holy. Gather the ashes into a jar and leave no trace behind. Wipe it away with salt water. Bury the bible; you have defiled it and will no longer serve you  no good. Clease your hands again.

Grime of Adam-- At anytime after a male child has been christened on the same day, you must find a way to gain access to the small pool. take a big gulp of the water into your mouth but do not swallow it. Spit it into a jar and seal it immediately. This will show 'IT' that you are not afraid to steal the essence of innocence for your own selfish gain.

The Last Breath-- (This ingredient is not included into the immediate ritual but is mandatory that you have it with you at all times during and after the ritual) You will need a piece of saccloth or calico. At 3 a.m, lie face down with the cloth beneath your face. Repeat the phrase: "I am not afraid to lose my life and so I shall find it." You will start to feel a tugging sensation from your toes pulling up through your nose and mouth. Breathe into the cloth. This will show 'IT' that you are fearless and not afraid to die.

You will fall into a deep sleep and will awaken the next morning in your bed with the cloth folded neatly beside you.

This is your last breath. Keep it safe and with you at all times. You will need it.

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