"It's been three days Glenn," Nathan said, taking the bag from his partner.

Monday night, during their trip to Nathan's beloved ice cream shoppe, the two girls had come up. Hearing Glenn speak of them with such affection, telling multiple stories that made him laugh before he could even get them completely out, Nathan realized that they couldn't be as scary as they seemed to him. Tuesday morning, before Glenn had arrived at school yet, Nathan went up to Grace's locker, where her and Rebecca were waiting for their third, and apologized for everything that had happened recently, and for not apologizing sooner. Since then, Nathan had been treated as one of their own, which he immediately learned was an exhausting task with Glenn and Rebecca's constant bickering and Grace's non stop sarcastic comments. Still, he enjoyed being in their company, and couldn't help but to smile every time Glenn's nose scrunched as it did when he was frustrated or confused by what is friends were saying, which was quite often.

"I'd tell you that it gets better," Glenn began, finally walking forward and nudging Nathan to get him to follow, "but it really doesn't. They're always annoying. You just learn to love them".

Nathan hummed thoughtfully, shooting Glenn a glance out of the corner of his eye as they exited the court and made their way over to their audience. Immediately, Grace and Rebecca scrambled to their feet and launched themself at Glenn, who laughed easily at the attack and hugged them back tightly. "You're so good Glenn," Rebecca groaned before pulling back quickly and turning to Nathan. "You're pretty good too, but you're not Glenn so you don't get a hug".

"I'm actually okay with that," Nathan claimed and Rebecca nodded, as if satisfied, before dropping down onto the grass. Nate let his eyes slip up to Glenn and Grace again and snorted at the sight of Glenn clearly trying to force his friend away from him.

"Gracie, get off Glenn. You're not his type," Rebecca demanded and Nathan smiled a little as Grace huffed and let Glenn go, dropping down onto the grass next to Becca.

Glenn just rolled his eyes and directed his attention to Osmond and Carmen to greet them before sitting down between Grace and Carmen's chair. Still, Nathan stood, saying hello to his parents before reaching down and removing Osmond's water from the cup holder of his chair and finishing the bottle. Quickly, he stepped out of the way when his father kicked out a leg toward him.

"Glenn, what are you doing tonight?" Rebecca asked, drawing Nathan's attention to the three friends sitting on the grass. At the question, Glenn directed his eyes to Nathan, squinting up at him as Nate raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah Pearson. What are you doing tonight?" Nate asked, kicking the sole of Glenn's shoe.


"Come on, Pearson. You know you want to," Nathan teased easily, grinning in content when Glenn made that face that he loved, the one where his nose scrunched up.

"Want to what?" Rebecca cut in, leaning across Grace as if she hadn't been able to hear well enough from her own spot. Nathan still looked at Glenn, his gaze not wavering, and the other boy looked back, fighting with his eyes and clearly not about to answer. Not breaking eye contact, Nathan did it for him.

"I'm going to take Glenn shopping tonight".

"No you're not," Glenn protested, and finally Nathan looked away, dragging his eyes to Carmen, who raised his eyebrows at him in response. Nate smiled and turned so his back was to his father before dropping down onto the grass and leaning against his knees.

Carmen made a soft noise of distaste. "You're all sweaty". Nate just shrugged and turned his head to look at the other seniors.

"Oh!" Grace was saying, grinning at Glenn as she did so. "You totally should. Glenn is great to shop with. He's not afraid to tell you when you look bad and he's really sweet when he tells you that you look good-"

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