Chapter 2 - Discomfort

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Gavin took one look around the room before his searching eyes fell on the mess of a scene taking place in the far corner of the area and his lips curled upwards into a snide smirk, his dark orbs glining with almost malicious glee. "Well, whaddya know!" The detective began, stalking forward a few slow paces as he spoke.

"Oh joy, your presence simply brightens the room as always." Hank huffed dryly, turning away from Connor in the slightest to shoot a bored glance back at the newcomer before turning back to the android and extending a hand to help the guy up.

"I'm just here to congratulate the famous detective prototype on solving another long pondered mystery." Gavin scoffed snarkily, coming to stand just behind Hank wearing a smirk that promised nothing good as his eyes raked over the scene like a hawk might stare down a rabbit's hole.

Connor didn't take the bate, placing his hand into the lieutenant's and allowing himself to be hauled upright but the strong grip the policeman got on him despite the fact that he should've been able to do at least much as stand on his own considering he was built to be an impeccable machine incapable of weakness or fatigue. However, the android's legs still felt slightly unstable in light of a quick self scan and Connor had no inclination to fall over himself in front of Gavin Reed today or any other day for that matter. The asshole would never let him live it down.

"Now the world can rest easy knowing that android's can be sick." Gavin congratulated satirically with a slow clap as Hank pulled Connor passed the guy and towards the door, never releasing his steely grip on the android's hand to keep him in tow.

The pair had almost reached their destination, Hank's fingertips already pressing lightly into the cool surface of the door and guiding his android out of it when Gavin lunged forward at the last moment. The cop caught Connor by the wrist, wrapping his thick fingers around the limb and holding tight to keep the electronic man in place as he leaned forward to get in the android's face, his hot breath a rank bite that puffed wettly across Connor's synthetic skin.

"What makes you sick, Connor?" Gavin questioned coldly, his words dripping venom as if he wanted the answer soly to obtain that very thing to implement against the android, which had a high probability of being the case.

However, Connor barely heard him. All the android felt was someone's grip keeping him in place - Someone's hands on him, making his skin curl and his biocomponents stutter uncooperatively as the urge to retch returned with renewed vigor, a thick gag already crawling its way through the android's throat. "Don't touch me!" Connor snapped sharply, yanking his arm free of Gavin's grip and stumbling a pace back into the solid mass of man that was Hank, though this didn't stop the android from attempting to scramble back further, needing as much distance between him and the unwanted touch as possible.

It was fine when Hank touched him. Hank would never intentionally harm Connor and the android trusted him more than anyone. (He knew he shouldn't. He should trust Amanda and Amanda alone but...) But Gavin on the other hand. No. Gavin was not okay. Connor didn't trust Gavin like he trusted Hank. The feeling of anyone else's hands on him felt too much like that man. Touch meant horrible things to come and the feeling of someone's fingers on his skin left Connor feeling dirty, like he could still feel the marks of the person's touch even when it was gone.

"Did it just-?" Gavin startled blankly, his face at first one of confusion and shock before it quickly morphed into one of anger, the man's face blotching scarlet red as his eyebrows came together in a deep, infuriated scowl. "Listen here, plastic plaything! You're a machine! You don't make the orders around here! You obey!" Gavin snarled angrily, quite near trembling with rage from where Connor watched the display with nauseous displeasure, the android already far too reminded of the things that been whispered in the Traci bot's ear by Gavin's words.

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