Chapter 16

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"Good. You're here," Neville said as Luna and I entered the Room of Requirement. "I was beginning to think that you would never get here."

No one asked any questions, which I was grateful for. "Alright, so most of us look to have been in the D. A. two years ago, am I correct?" I paused, scanning the room for new faces. I didn't see any. "Right, then. You should all know why Harry started this group. You should also know how we got caught last time. That cannot happen again. We have to be more careful; the punishment will be much worse than that dreaded quill if we get caught. Is that understood?"

"I don't mean to be rude, Ginny, honest! But how do you know that the punishment will be worse than that?" Dean asked. 

I sighed, hoping he wouldn't take my reaction as me being offended. "You all know who the Carrows are, right?" Most of the room shook their heads no. "According to my brothers, they're hardcore Death Eaters. You know they're bad when Fred and George are scared. Plus, Luna and I have already had detention. Me for over two weeks, and Luna just tonight. I don't want anyone feeling sorry for me, and Luna can think for herself, but they used some pretty harsh torture methods."

"Like, unforgivable methods?" Lavender asked.

"Yes, some unforgivable curses have been used on Ginny. Two of the three, and I hope you can tell which one wasn't used, but only the Cruciatus Curse on me," Luna said, sparing me the trouble.

"It's true!" Colin cried out. "I watched some of it happen. It was brutal!"

"Now, that's not the point," I said, glaring at Colin for sharing that last bit of information. "We want to be able to protect ourselves and fight against You-Know-Who. Neville will tell you the plan."

Neville launched into a detailed explaination of our first operation. We all promised to meet in the Room of Requirement the next night to carry out our plan.

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