Chapter 13

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"Whoa! Ginny! What happened to you?" Neville asked as I entered the Room of Requirement.

"Detention. What else?" I responded. Still bleeding quite heavily, I sat down across the table from Luna. She sprang into action with the healing spell she had used on me the day before.

"You need to write home about this, Ginny. Like, now," Luna told me.

"I know. I've been writing the twins, and I already have a letter started about meals today. I've told hem about Dark Arts and the Cruciatus Curse."

We glanced at Neville, who's face had gone pale at mention of the painful curse. "It was worse than ever today. We had to use the Curse on people. First years," he said shakily. 

"That's awful!" Luna cried. "We need to do something about this!"

"Well, Luna, Neville and I were thinking about starting up the D.A. again," I told her.

"Yes! Definitely! But what if we get caught again? The punishment will be a lot worse than writing lines with that dreaded quill!" Luna brought up.

"Well, we just have to be more careful. I don't know if we can make it through this year without it," Neville stated.

 Luna's worried expression shifted from Neville and his D.A. idea to me, who was still soaked in blood. "Right. More careful," Luna said. "Ginny, you should get some rest."

"Why is this such a big deal right now? I'm fine!" I cried. I was so tired of being treated like I was five years old.

"Whatever you say! But seriously, it's 7:21, and we don't want to get caught out past curfew. We should go," Neville brought up.

"Ok, g'night!" Luna said with forced cheerfulness.

"Spread the word around your common room, Luna! Dumbledore's Army, now recruiting!" I said.

I made it up to my dormitory easily. I removed the letter from my pocket, realizing that it was entirely soaked in blood. Fred would freak out, because of his fear of his fear of blood, but I decided that I didn't care.

Today during detention, both Carrows were there. They used Sectumsempra on me, and they used the Legilimency Spell, too. I don't think they used it for information about the Order, because all I saw were visions of Riddle and other bad memories. 

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think you have to share this letter with Mum. I think too much has happened already for Mum to not know. Tell her that by the time I wrote the second half of the letter, I had stopped bleeding. The only reason that there is any blood on this at all is because it was in my robe pocket during detention. I'm a little stupid like that when I'm hungry.

Miss you so much,


I reread my letter. I realized how much I needed my family at that moment. I wished that Ron was there. He would understand and know what to say. I knew it was a long shot, but I decided to write him a letter too. When I was done, I adressed the letter solely to Rob Weasley. No address, no city. Just Ron Weasley. I sent both my letters, and went to bed.

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