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A young girl with curly brown hair sat cradling a smaller boy in her lap

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

A young girl with curly brown hair sat cradling a smaller boy in her lap. He was crying. She stroked his hair and soothed the pudgy boy.
"Marie I'm scared." The little boy cried.
"It's alright I won't let anything happen to you."


I woke up feeling an ache in my heart. Who had the little boy been in my dream? Was it possible I had a brother in my life before this or was my brain just filling an empty void with a made up dream?

I sat up and put on my shoes the ache in my heart was only growing bigger, gnawing away at me. I couldn't wait to get to the gardens and fill the empty void with something else to focus on.

While I was picking strawberries newt came over and sat next to me.
"Hey Marie, having fun." He said
I looked up him his face was covered in sweet from working the field hard. His hair was pushed back on his head in a mess of blonde strands.
"Picking strawberries was what I was sent here to do." I reply newt lets out a low chuckle which sends chills down my spine.
"Hey I heard your going on a date today." He casually brought it into conversation though I could see a hint of pain in his eyes as he said this.
"Yeah, probably the first ever date in the glade unless you think any of the other gladers are you know, getting it on"
Newt blushed at this comment. He ran a muddy hand though his hair.
"Well I have heard a few rumours."
We both laughed before I went back to picking strawberries.
"Well I hope you have fun on your date Marie." He stands up and I fought I could hear jealousy in his voice but I pushed the thought aside. Now way would newt be jealous of me and Alex going on a date.
I thanked him as he walked away.

By the time lunch time rolled around I couldn't wait to see what was in store for me. I was hoping Alex was bringing food as I was starving.

I got to the deadheads and made my way to the tree we were at yesterday. As soon as I got there I saw a blanket laid out in the floor and a small basket was filled with two portions of lunch. Alex was standing with his back to me hoping from one foot to the other.

"You didn't have to do all this Alex. I would have settled for mud and food if you haven't noticed that's my job" I joke. He turns around startled. He smiles at me. He looks clean like he has just had a shower his hair slightly damp. I suddenly feel like I should have also cleaned myself up for the date as I am covers in mud and sweat.

"Hey Marie, you look good today." Alex complements me.
"Well mud and sweat is the in trend right now."
We both sit down with our back against the large tree our bodies almost touching.

We sit in a comfortable silence eating our food for a while.
"So I want to know more about you Marie." Alex says. "What's your favourite colour?"
"I've never really thought about that before. I like blue. Not dark blue. I like a soft blue like the colour of the sky. What about you?"
"Brown... like the colour of your eyes" I blush at this and turn away from him. He reaches out and gently takes my chin turning me to look back at him. He slowly leans in and places a soft kiss on my lips.

I expected the kiss to be something special but it didn't really do anything for me. I wanted to try it again so I leaned in and kissed him again. When I pulled away there was still nothing.

"Alex," I begin but he cuts me off
"You felt nothing too."
"Don't worry there's nothing to be sorry for it's not your fault. Maybe we're just meant to be friends."
"Well I would be honoured to be your friend Alex."
"And I yours Marie."
I pull him in for a hug.
"Well I better get back to work" I say standing up and dusting myself off.
"Me too I guess. See you at dinner."
I walk off towards the gardens where I spend the next few hours slaving away as usual. Doing my share to make the glade run.

By the time dinner rolled around I was so tired I decided to skip and head straight to my cot. I thought I would be alone in the homestead but to my surprise newt was sat on his cot looking down. I walked over to him.
"Hey newt" I said sitting on the cot opposite not caring who it belonged to.
"Hey Marie, how did your date go?"
"Wow straight to the point. It went well"
"That's good. Glad you and Alex hit it off."
"Wait newt." I don't know why but I feel the need to clarify myself but I don't get the chance.
"Listen Marie I shouldn't be saying this but I feel I bloody must. I think I like you. Ever since you came to the glade I have felt drawn to you and I can't help it. I know me and you don't have a shot now that your with Alex but I thought I should just say that just in case." Newt cuts me off. He gets up to leave but I tug on his arm and pull him to sit next to me.
"Newt me and Alex have decided to just be friends" he looks up when I say this. "Thank you for being honest with me about your feelings, do you mind if I try something?"
"Anything, go ahead love" I'm getting used to him calling me that now and I like it.
I lean into him and kiss I'm softly on the lips. It was slow and soft, comforting in way words could never be. I hadn't imagined how warm his lips would feel against mine.
I pull away slowly resting my forehead against newts.
"Newt..." I begin but his lip brush mine, almost teasing me. I feel the urge to pull away before I lose myself in him but I can't resist it when he presses his lips to mine again. The world around me falls away and all I can feel is his lips against mine and his thumb stroking my cheek.

We finally pull apart once again resting our foreheads against each other.
"Marie." Newt whispers, I can barley hear him over the sound of my heart beating in my chest. His hand still holds my cheek stroking it gently. "I really do think I may like you."

"I think I might maybe like you too" I sat back. I pull away and look at him a smile is tugging at his lips. Newt looks me in the eyes his hand moving up towards my hair. He runs it through my brown locks. 

Newt was about to lean on for another kiss when a loud cough interrupts us. We both jump apart and turn around to see young chuck standing in the doorway looking embarrassed

"I guess this means your not dating Alex." He says. I feel my cheeks redden and I bury my head into my hands.  I must look like a complete utter slut to him.
"Chuck just so you know me and Alex both decided it was best to stay friends. I would never kiss someone else if I were dating him." I explain.
"Well this is still very awkward."
"I think I'm going to head to bed. Night newt. "
"Night Marie"
Both me and chuck head over to our cots. I sit down and start taking my shoes off. I can feel chucks eyes staring at me.
"Don't say a word" I snap.
"I wasn't going to say anything." The young boy replies. A small giggle escapes his lips "okay I was going to say that you and newt need to find a room next time but that doesn't mean I don't think you and him are cute."
"Oh god you just made this so much more awkward you shuck head.  A loud laugh erupts from the chubby boy. His laugh is contagious I can't help but laugh too even though I don't find this situation at all funny.

I lie down and snuggle under the covers turning to face my young friend. Chuck is smiling at me.
"What are you smiling at?" I ask.
"Oh nothing just that I'm happy your here Marie"
"Well I'm glad I'm here to otherwise I wouldn't have meet you chuckie"
"And you wouldn't have meet newt"
Chuck wiggles his eyebrows at me. I groan and turn away from him.
"You just ruined a very nice moment chuck."
"Night Marie."
"Night young chuck"

Word count | 1502

Shadows | The Maze Runner / Newt Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα