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The day had finally come, the day of Jimin's arrival to Seoul, and boarding school. Jimin had been dreading this day for the past couple weeks, even trying to lock himself in his room in hopes of missing his train, but his mother unlocked it with a bobby pin.

Jimin slumped out the door, instantly feeling the summer air hit his face.

"Aren't you excited?" Ms. Park said cheerfully. Jimin shot her a sour face and got in the car without a word.

The car ride was a long and nearly silent, besides the radio that blurred in the background.

After an excruciating thirty minutes, they arrived at the train station. Jimin scowled, looking at the people lining up for their trains.

Ms. Park opened his door, ready to say goodbye with Jimin's suitcase by her side. He had no choice but to comply now, seeing as he'd be here for both his first and second semester of senior year.

He gave her a half-assed hug and said goodbye before heading to the crowd of people that surrounded his train.

He was one of the last people to board his train, and he took his seat, sitting next to another young boy, probably going to the same place as him. The train was dull and worn out, the seats stiff and beginning to tear. 

Jimin leaned his head back, pulling his hood over his eyes in order to survive the next couple hours, but was ordered out from beneath his hood by the boy next to him.

He poked one eye out of the hood, giving him an unfriendly scowl.

"Your arm is on my arm rest." The boy said.

He was probably a year or two younger and looked like he could buy and sell Jimin, so he followed the younger's orders and moved his arm from the arms rest.

He chewed his bottom lip and closed his eyes, attempting to calm himself down for the next four hours on this train.

The train ride was over and Jimin couldn't be happier. He rushed off the train and straight to the next bus stop. Luckily, it was the last crowded vehicle he'd have to be in that day.

He was surrounded by about 20 other tired boys, who looked to be the same as him. Angry, tired, and dreadful. Jimin fit right in.

The school's transport bus greeted them at the stop and all 20 boys filed into the seats, keeping the bus silent, aside from the casual greetings between strangers. However, Jimin couldn't care less about making friends in this place, there was no need for them. All he worried about now was making it through first semester without jumping off the roof.

The bus finally stopped in front of the giant stone building. It looked even more bland than it did in the pictures online. At the large front doors, they were given a dark blue uniform and were ushered to the front desk.

There, they were given their dorm key and a schedule, then they were sent up to their rooms.

Jimin was given key with the number 343 on it and made his way up to the third floor. Once he arrived, he unlocked the door and looked into the dim room.

It was a medium sized room. Two beds were pushed against opposite walls, signifying that Jimin wasn't living alone in this room. A circular window sat in the middle of the beds, shining a small cylinder of light onto the floor. Bookshelves lined the walls and an old door led to a small bathroom in the corner.

The room was bare, his roommate hadn't been in yet, so Jimin began to set up. He made the mattress up with his own bedding and set some of his own books on the shelves. There was only one desk in the room, so he put his textbooks on half of it, leaving the other half for his roommate.

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