Violet👑: Scratch that, I know you're bringing chicken. Just make sure to not only bring those wings you always get. Ik you're obsessed, but whatever🤷🏼‍♀️

Pearl💎: You know what, I think I'm just gonna bring some kimchi.

Kim Chi🌈: Um excuse me that's my thing!

Violet👑: Well, well, well. Look who decided to emerge from their grave.

Pearl💎: Who, me? 

Miss Fame🐔: Well who else would it be?

Pearl💎: whatever. 

Sharon👻: I'm bringing taco casserole.

Jinkx🐱 : Taco casserole?

Sharon👻: Yes, taco casserole. Don't judge me, Monsoon.

Jinkx🐱 : Alrighty, then.

Bendelacreme💄: I'll bring cake! Sounds really good right now...

Shangela🎁: girl. you sure you can make that in time?

Bendelacreme💄: Yeah, don't worry! I can make it in no time. It'll be super fun too, so don't worry about me.

Pearl💎: Haha, that's funny.

Sasha Velour🥚: What's so funny? Am I missing out

Pearl💎: no no no no. It's just a thought I had. There are 3 types of people in this world: the Shangela, the Dela, and the you.

Sasha Velour🥚: Oh hahaha. That is funny.

Adore🍕: Ok guys. So far on the roster we have stickers, peppers, drinks, pizza, kimchi, cake, taco casserole, Australian candy, and chicken. The rest of you got lucky since we have plenty of food already being brought, but trust me you aren't off the hook. The people that didn't bring food this time are the food bringers for my next party. Sorry about it.


Pearl💎: Lmao suck it, Magenta.

Willam🍆: EAT IT!!!!!

Kim Chi🌈 : wOW, I just LOVE being on the mEnU!!!

Alyssa Edwards💃: Uh, mama that is not fair. I just plugged my phone in and it's been dead. I was not aware of whatever madness was going on, therefore I think I should be excused from this policy that you conspired.

Shea 🍑: Ooh, look at Alyssa over here being all smart. She's coming for Sasha's wig.

Katya Zamolodchikova💔: Shea, do you not notice the irony of that statement? 😂

Jinkx🐱 : HAhahhahaHAahAHA that's so hilarious! 😂

Bianca🤡: I'll see you all at the party... sadly.


Bianca🤡: Somebody help her, she's having a stroke. ^^^

Violet👑: Actually I do need help. I need a ride and I don't feel like conversing with an uber driver today. Are any of you up to take me to Adore's?

Pearl💎: I'll be the uber today for anyone. I have 6 more available seats now that Vi is coming, and if someone wants to squish in the back. If you want an uber, speak now or forever hold your peace.

Katya Zamolodchikova💔: ME, I WANT A DRAG QUEEN UBER!

Courtney🐨: I'd like to join you, as long as we don't run into RuPaul anywhere. I know that won't happen, because you hate her as well, but yeah.

Sasha Velour🥚: Can I tag along?

Pearl💎:  Of course. Anyone else?

Aja🌋: I need a ride, so yeah. thanks pearl 

Aquaria🕷: I'm coming. 

Pearl💎: Okay, Katya, Vi, Aqua, Aja, Sasha, and Court? I'll be there. 

Trixie Mattel💕: Pearl why are you being so caring... I sense a change.

Alaska 5000👋: Because it's Halloween

Sharon👻: My thoughts exactly.

Bianca🤡: Are we forgetting that today isn't Halloween? Halloween is tomorrow. Sharon, are you drunk?

Shangela🎁: ...

Sharon👻: Whatever. We're still celebrating. Now off to Adore's!

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