2: "Halloween"

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Sharon👻: Happy Halloween, everybody! Don't die.

Willam🍆: wow, shar. you always have the best advice 🙄

Sharon👻: Why thank you, I do what I can.

Adore🍕: Guys, who's up for a party at mine! Drinks will be there

Courtney🐨: Wow, Adore! I didn't know you planned parties. What's next, you'll know how to sew?

Bianca🤡: Really, queen? I'm two steps ahead of you. I already taught Adore how to sew.

Adore🍕: It's true🤷‍♀️

Phi Phi☀️: Don't worry, I'm coming!!

Sharon👻: Oh no, guess I'm not then. Sorry Adore😬

Aquaria🕷: hey Sharon if I go you will too, right

Sharon👻: Ugh, fine, but we're staying away from some people.

Phi Phi☀️: Yep, might as well stay over there in Party City🤷‍♀️

Sharon👻: Phi Phi, stop. You're just a tired ass showgirl.


Miz Cracker🍪: Adore, I'm invited, right?

Adore🍕: Ofc. But we need a policy

Courtney🐨: And what's that?

Aquaria🕷: Lol, a policy is a guarantee that comes along with something

Courtney🐨: I know what a policy is, I meant what's the policy😂

Aquaria🕷: Ohhhhh okay 😂

Adore🍕:  aNYWAY, the policy is that everyone has to bring an item of food or something because I'm really broke when it comes to food, and everything else basically. Sorry guys but is that ok with you? I mean I hate to sound like THAT GIRL but you know

Bianca🤡: I guess it's excusable... this time.

Willam🍆: I'm on sticker duty!

Aja🌋: I think ur confused, ma. Stickers aren't food.

Willam🍆: Yeah, they can be. They taste good and they smell like stickers, what could possibly be better?

Kim Chi🌈 : Can I bring peppers

Adore🍕: Yeah, why not.

Adore🍕: Ok, so we have stickers and peppers, and I'm going to order like 6 pizzas. There are still like 13 of you who need to tell me if you're coming and what you'll bring so go ahead

Aja🌋: I'll bring some drinks. You never know when u need more

Aquaria🕷: I can bring donuts!!

Courtney🐨: I'm bringing Australian candy, my favs. You guys can try it and I'll put it on my YouTube channel or just force Fame to put it on hers. Either way it works

Miss Fame🐔: Excuse me? 🤣 You baboon.

Courtney🐨: Lol, if I'm a baboon then you're a hooligan!

Miss Fame🐔: That's fitting but I'd rather be a chicken :(

Violet👑: Haha we know. I'm guessing you're bringing chicken?

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