Chapter Seventeen: The Great Escape...Well Sort Of.

Start from the beginning

"I won't take your blood."

"You will. Or I'll force it down you throat." I sat on his lap and move my hair. "Hurry."


"Markus." I growled grabbing his face. "Stop acting like a arrogant fool and do something that will both help us out. I won't make it twelve yards out there and you're my only hope."

"I can't-"

"Do you love me?"

"Yes. Of course." Noise creaked behind us and I look over my shoulder.

"Then bit me Markus."

"I won't do that to you." He shook his head.

Putting some blood onto my fingers, I slipped them over his lips, which he lick generously. I did it over and over until he was sucking my fingers. It wasn't an appropriate time, but I felt my breath hitch my a burning sensation in my stomach. I coaxed my neck down until his lips touch and his fangs grazed a welted spot. I winced, but screamed when his teeth sank down. He clamped a hand over my mouth and nuzzled deeper. I didn't feel pain. I didn't feel anything really. I waited and stroked his hair as he fed from me. He was getting stronger and I felt it in the way he maneuvered me to straddle his lap or as his muscles tightened underneath my touch as wounds became scars. Like before I didn't feel a dying feeling, just Markus. Hair regained sheen and color, his arms wound around me bringing me closer. Unadulterated bliss entered my body and a lustful moan erupted from me. Hands gripped me tighter as I squirmed trying to grind myself onto his lap.

He ripped his face away from me, that's when I noticed the high feeling I got and a smile slid on my face. "Markus."

"Ella?" He said. His voice sounded the normal way again and he was completely heal and strong again. He ripped from his chains.

"I told you." I mocked running my hands over his smooth shoulders. "I knew you'll get better."

"Lets go." He ordered, standing us up straight. My vision cleared and the high was over.

"Well looky here," Erik asked stepping back into the room with Austin. "Guess who got some blood?"

"I'm going to kill you." Markus said. I stood next to him and kicked Wendy's head over to Austin. He snarled and ran over to attack me, but Markus had clasped a hand around his throat before he could he reach me. Markus squeezed and part of his throat collapsed in a powder of dust. He's body and head dropped.

"Impressive," Erik smiled. "My offer still stands."

"I will kill you." He repeated.

Erik sighed, "Such good talent being wasted. Maybe that's why your mother should have reconsidered my offer earlier. I did quite enjoy her company, even if it was having her strapped down to a table and forcing venom into her body."

Markus growled then shifted. Erik stood still in his stance, not scared nor angry at Markus. Markus bared his teeth and stalked in front of Erik, almost in a condescending way. Erik leaned his cane against the wall and unbuttoned his dress jacket and smiled at him. Markus snarled and snapped at him. Erik dodged that bite and raced around the other side of Markus, who then chased him around the room. I stood back watching from the corner as Erik mocked Markus and he couldn't grab him.

Erik danced behind Markus and Markus kicked his leg out, slamming him against the wall. Erik grabbed his hinge leg, twisting it, and I actually heard it snapped. Markus howled, and turned to face Erik. He needed time to heal, time he doesn't have. Markus could barely walk on his ankle while it was healing, and it was going to take at least five minutes for him to heal. That's why I couldn't believe it when he took a running start at Erik and knocked him into his back. He was so close to snapping his neck, but he held out his hands, holding Markus's jaw from completely coming down on him and crushing his windpipe. I didn't know what to do, and I was standing there like an innocence school girl when a hand grabbed my throat.

I gasped for air and Austin smiled.

"Markus," Austin called holding me against the wall. "You've got three seconds to let go or I'll kill her."

Markus looked up at us and I snarled at Austin. I grabbed his head. He gave me a curious look before shaking me off, but I held on tight again and grew more angry and angry. It took me a second to rip his head clear off like the others. Erik was just as shock as Markus was, a little too shock not to notice Markus ripping a chunk of his shoulder off and throwing it across the room. Then followed a piece of his thigh, then his right arm. Markus literally ripped him apart piece by piece.

Erik didn't stand a chance and we all knew that. When Markus was done, I grabbed Erik's cane and we walked to the exit, I leading the way. I opened the door and was surprised to see snow on the ground. I looked back up at Markus, and he bent his head down, inviting me to ride him. Climbing up, my body relaxed against he warmth and I clutched his fur as he picked up speed. Deeper and deeper into greenery.

"Where are we going?" I asked.


"How did you..."

"I marked you Ella. I can share thoughts with you."

"That's not possible."

"Some claim it to be the human in you. Your mother was able to do it with your father and no one has any idea how."

"So no more secrets then?"

"No more secrets."


I think this chapter absolutely sucked. I mean I set myself up for failure. I tried 20 times to write and rewrite this chapter but nothing fit! I move on with the plot because it will be a lot better and easier to write about the after math and coping. I'm sorry about the grammatical and typo mistakes, I'm only human. I tried by best in this chapter and I hope some of you aren't hard on me about it.






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