Feelings : Chapter 17 (cont.)

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Your POV:

You squinted through he darkness to see your mystery guy that was so nice. You began to see him as he stepped into the light and then...boom. Just like that you were out. Asleep because of many long nights for homework and tire of crying. You didn't see him. You slept soundly.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

You woke up the next morning early. You noticed everyone was still in their beds. You looked at your phone. 8:30. An hour before breakfast. You get up and and take your phone with you.
(Sorry listening to this while I was writing and it's one of my favorite songs and it fits almost perfect but I just wanted to share it: https://youtu.be/lcOxhH8N3Bo )
You walked upstairs and opened your dorm door to see Ginny, and a few other girls in your dorm sleeping in their beds. You look around seeing...two empty beds? You look around. "Goo mornin (Y/N)" Hermione said staring at you leaning against the bathroom doorframe while spinning a toothbrush around in her mouth. You smiled "morning 'Mione" You said nodding. She rose an eyebrow as to say "why are you up so early?". You walked over to her trying not to tear up as you told her the story last night. She nodded rubbing your back. She gave you a sympathetic look and then spit the toothpaste from the mouth and cleaned it off as you continued about your feelings. "I'm sorry (Y/N).." she said pursing her lips. "Why don't you sit with me, Harry, and Ron this morning?" She said smiling. "Sure" you nodded thinking. "Maybe we can find your mystery suitor?" She smiled and poked you in the ribs with her elbow. "Mhm surreee" You said blushing. You and 'Mione walked from the bathroom to see Ginny looking at you with boiling anger. "I promise you (Y/N) I will write my mother to send him a howler and after he's done I'll rip his ears off and slap him!!" She said very annoyed. "Geez Ginny" you said kinda shocked she would go that far. "He's my brother and I'll teach him to talk to my friend like that. She got ready in a rush and stormed off the go boys dormitory. "Oh no.." Hermione said shaking her head with a smirk. You smiled in response. "Let's go wait for Harry and Ron!" Hermione said. "Why are you so excited?" You said with an evil smirk. "No reason.." she said with a semi-straight face. "Ron needs help with his homework..." Hermione said her face turning a little pink. "YOU LIKE ROONNNN!!" You yelled waking up half the girls dormitories. "Shut up! Shut up! I don't like Ron!!" She whisper yelled. "Mhmmm" you replied skipping out. You walked down to the staircase and stood at the intersecting part at the top of the staircase. You jumped up onto the lip of the staircase banister. Ginny stormed down from the boys dormitories mad as fire and she stuck a finger to your chest. "You. Are very loved by me!" She said angrily and you backed up some and she stormed inside the girls dormitories and Hermione came out. Hermione came up to you. "Someone likes Ron!" You whisper yelled. She shoved you playfully and you lost your balance. You fell off the banister and waited for the impact of the floor. "(Y/N)!!!!!!" Hermione shrieked worried. All you felt was something catch you. Your eyes were clamped shut and you slightly opened them and gazed up at Harry who had caught you. "T-Thanks..." You said getting down. "(Y/N)!!! I'm so so so sorry!!" Hermione said rushing down the stairs to you. You brushed off your skirt and looked at his clearly uncombed hair and his sleepy expression. "Are you okay?" He asked you softly. "Yeah...thanks". You stared at his sweater which had a big wet spot across the front. You thought in your head. He has the wet spot...he must be the one that helped me last night. "Hey Hermione, Ron...I need to talk to Harry...Alone. Could you please go on ahead?" You said pleading. "Sure looks like you two need a room." Ron said playfully then opening the portrait letting Hermione walk through first. "Harry-" you started to say. "I'm sorry (Y/N) I know you know...I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable I just wanted to help you." He said hanging his head. You stared at him for awhile and walked closer to him. "Harry..." You said gazing at him. He looked up meeting your gaze. You smiled and leaned up hugging him, putting your arms tight around his neck. He stood there surprised and then wrapped his arms around your waist holding you. "Harry you don't understand how much that meant for you to help me." You said semi-crying. Your grip loosened and he put you down. "Thank you.." You said again smiling up at him. "No problem" he said smiling back. You took out your wand and waved your wand making his hair like its usual messy hair. You waved it again but mumbling before mumbling the Hot-Air charm. "Thanks" Harry said and you nodded. "So..I was...um...thinking...do you want to...I don't know...um...go with me to...I mean go on...a walk?" He said wincing at his nervousness. "Sure" You said smiling. "We should be going.." You said kinda blushing. He nodded. You stared down at your feet. "Why the long face?" He said. "I don't want to face George..." You said looking away. He took your hand and led you out. "What are we?" You said shocked. He took your hand and peeked around the corner. "Okay pretend you're my girlfriend!" He said quickly. "What?!" You said. After a pleading look from him you nodded. You wrapped an arm around Harry's and gazed up at him dreamily. He smiled and led you out around the corner. The twins were doing some plotting for their next prank and didn't want anyone to hear so their heads shot up. Fred was the one to look first and he thunked George in the chest. He looked up and over at us and you kissed Harry on the cheek. He blushed a bright pink and you walked with him past the twins as George watched you with major jealousy. And you and Harry walked through the doors to the hallway leading to the Great Hall. "THAT WAS AMAZINGGG!!!" You said hugging him again tightly. "You're welcome!" He said chuckling and hugging you back.

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