Still On The Train : Chapter 3

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George's POV:
What? Don't look at me like that! I know...I know...I should've said something more romantic or something...whatever just get on! I smiled staring at (Y/N) looking out the window with curiosity. I sighed. She's so cute...I wonder what her favorite candy is...that would be useful information for later... "Um (Y/N)?" I ask. "Hm? Love?" She said smirking playfully. Gosh she's so cute when she does that. "What's your favorite candy?" He said wondering and getting ready to guess her candy. "Bert's every flavor beans...I guess..I've never tried them but they sound fun!" She said her eyes sparkling. "I'll buy you some!" I say pulling out some coins. Fred smirked and pretended to need to use the restroom leaving quickly. "No! I can't let you do that!" She said quickly looking at me. "Sorry too late" I said walking out to the sweets cart. I bought some and gave the small box to her. She opened them and tried a few wincing and making faces at the nasty ones and smiling warmly at the sweet ones. She yawned cutely and lied her head on the window. "Here come lay with me love" I said pulling her gently closer. She smiled and lied her head on my chest. I stroked her long hair and she soon fell asleep. I smiled down at her as she dozed for a good hour or two...I eventually lost time eating the rest of her beans.

Your POV:
You smiled waking up slowly and realizing you had fell asleep on George and he looked down at you. "Morning love..." he said. I smiled happily, You loved how he called you "love". You smiled taking in his cologne. You buried the side of your face into his sweater a red and gold tie under it. "It's not morning George" you groan straightening his crooked tie. "I know but you slept so long it feels like morning" he said smiling down at me. "Better go get your Hogwarts clothes on love, we're almost there" he said resting his chin on the top of your head and wrapped his arms around you in a hug. "You are a cuddle monster George Weasley." "Don't I know it" he said pushing you up gently and you walked out to the bathroom and quickly changing into your Hogwarts uniform. You walked back and George filled you in once you got back about Hogwarts, the professors, houses, and other things there.

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