Bite me, I wanted to hiss. He spoke to her in a low voice, gesturing formally with his hands. I glanced to my side to see Aleena watch him, and for the first time in weeks I saw the usual spark return to her eye. She was staring at him as she always did, with a mild curiosity that indicated she was deep in thought. My eyes trailed over to Chelsea who looked like she was dying of excitement.

After being dismissed by Miss Anderson, Isaac walked over to take his seat. Chelsea reached up with swift hands and pulled him down hugging him tightly. Even from here, I could see the surprise spread across his eyes before he pulled her away with a smug smile. His eyes danced to mine and he held my gaze for an intense amount of time before Chelsea jerked his chin back to her, laughing the gesture off with an ugly cackle.

What is his problem? I didn't know, I hadn't known for nearly a month now. He always watched me like he wanted nothing more than to snap my neck but sometimes, occasionally, he studied me like something intrigued him. A part of me I couldn't stop thinking about him holding my hand, staring at my scar like he couldn't believe the sight. I shuddered.

Males, you'll never understand them.

If Isaac was back, surely Aaron should be as well. I leaned in my seat to see Aleena play with her pen in her hands, her eyes training on Isaac. Well I guess that is another good sign.

The door suddenly swung open, and with it came a sun kissed, brown haired boy with green eyes. Despite everything, despite what my mind was telling me not to do, I did the opposite and allowed a smile to burst across my lips. Aaron approached Miss Anderson, ducking his head to meet her eye level. She looked at him with a frown and nodded swiftly, telling him to go sit down. I waited for him to notice me, or at least meet my gaze but he trailed into his seat without a flicker of acknowledgement. Miss Anderson watched Aaron curiously, then returned to her laptop, typing away at it furiously. I noticed she had been doing that frequently, her priority seemed to be behind the screen, not on her tiny class. Maybe it'll keep her from putting her dirty paws on me.

I let my eyes wonder over to Aaron. He was staring at his open book with little expression, however his cheeks looked slightly more pale than the last time I saw him.

"Run into any doors while you were gone?" I joked half-heartedly but his lips thinned at my words.

"No," he said curtly.

I felt my eyes narrow, suspicion rising through me. He never would usually respond like that, let alone respond with one word.

"Well I think you'll be happy to know I didn't impale myself with a pencil while you were away."

He shot me a dark look that implied he hadn't thought my joke was funny.

In disdain, I quickly continued. "Come on Aaron, it's kind of funny."

His golden pupils narrowed. "Being in pain isn't funny." He snapped back.

I blinked in shock. I was supposed to be the one with the attitude, not him.

"But me fainting was?" I hissed back, although the edge of my tone hinted amusement. He didn't even offer me a smile. Instead he ignored me, focusing his attention on the untouched page in front of him.
Now that I was really looking at him, I noticed his hair had grown a lot, enough for a small section of his eye to be covered unless he moved it frequently. If I didn't know any better, I assumed he was trying to grow out curtains.

"Why are you acting like a brat." I said bluntly. This caused a reaction.

"I'm not." He argued back, his voice rough.

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