Ryan: You okay sweetheart?

Me: Yeah, just thinking.

I said, hoping he wouldn't ask what was I thinking about. I needed to talk to Fantasy quick, she would know what to do.

Rich POV

I watched Jay walk outside the store after 30 minutes had passed by. He carried a few papers in his hand and wore a big smile on his face. I pulled up to the front of the store for him to avoid the long walk he would have had to make to the car. Unlocking the door, he got in quickly as I took no time to leave the parking lot and get back on the road. It was past 10 so I was a little skeptical of why Jay claimed he had a job interview this late at night. It didn't seem right to me but he assured me everything was good. Jay had told me that night time was the only time the owner would be there since he was busy opening up in another location. I stopped at the light and finally looked over at him reading over the papers to himself.

Me: Well?

I asked breaking the silence since he hadn't said anything.

Jay: It went good man, he said he didn't care about my past. Turns out the man did a 5 year sentence so he wasn't judging me.

Me: that's wassup, it doesn't hurt to keep applying for other places too. It's good to have options.

Jay: I'm already good on that, I have another job interview in the morning.

Nodding my head, I pressed on the gas as the light changed green. I was happy that he was getting a second chance because he deserved it. It was easy to tell he was determined about finding a job and I knew someone was going to hire him. Driving further, we ended up on the other side of town. Fantasy and I agreed on hanging in her dorm tonight so I might as well pick up some food for the both of us before I dropped Jay back off. This was fantasy's favorite spot to eat at so I was sure she didn't mind me being a little late once I showed up with food in my hands. After a few more minutes, I turned into the parking lot and found a spot right in front of the door. We both got out and proceeded to go inside.

Rich: At least it's not crowded.

I said to myself as we both walked in seeing only a few people. Usually, it was full of people from campus and others that lived in the neighborhood. The line would normally be out the door full of people complaining about the wait. Truth was, the wait was worth it because it was the best burger place that I had been to. The only thing about it was the location. This place wasn't the safest to go to, ecspecially at night. The smell of grease was present along with the sounds of the fries sizzling in the back. I stepped back looking at the menu trying to remember what Fantasy would always order as Jay was already having his order taken in the front. I reached in my back pocket to pull out my wallet as I got behind Jay, finally deciding what to get.

Jay: 20 minute wait? This shit better have me full until tomorrow night.

Jay commented after receiving the ticket from the young girl who was behind the counter.

Jay: Rich let me know when my food is ready man.

I nodded as I watched him pull a blunt out of his pocket and head outside. I stepped up to the counter and soon got my ticket after telling the girl what I wanted. It seemed like the wait got longer and longer each time I came here. Heading over to take a seat, I decided to text Fantasy that I would be a little late. Before I could open up her conversation I heard Jay's voice coming from outside but I thought nothing of it. Abruptly, various gunshots went off outside making the girl from behind the counter scream and run to the back. The gunshots echoed throughout the small restruant and some ended up going through the entrance door. Immediately getting on the ground, I crawled on the tile floor all the way by the door to peek and see what was going on.
I could hear voices, but I couldn't make out what they sounded like to figure out if I knew them. They shot at the door multiple times and glass shattered each time, finally busting a hole wide enough you could put your arm through. The few people that were still in the restruant were in the corner on the ground, scared for their life. Closing my eyes and attempting to focus, I prayed quickly before getting off the ground. I motioned for everyone else that was scattered on the floor to hop the counter and go to the back. Some did and others were too scared to move.
Hesitantly, I ran out the door to the nearest bush I could find to prevent the risk of me getting shot. Peeking carefully I noticed an Impala in the middle of the parking lot with the windows down and their guns pointed towards the burger place. I cursed under my breath once I couldn't see anyone's face since the inside was so dark. They shot at the place for another minute before the car sped out of the parking lot and onto to the street, almosing crashing into another car.

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