Chapter One

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"Asher wake up." I shook my little brother trying to wake him up.

"Sissy can't I just skip."

"No you can not skip school so get up now." He slowly got up and picked out his cloths for today. He's only 5 well he just turned five last month but, he still has his moments when trying to put on his cloths he's so cute. One being he tries not to wear any. I ran to the next room and got my four month old brother up and went to the kitchen to get his bottle.

Once Asher got done eating we pile into my truck and I drive them to school. Yeah I know what your thinking but, Asher is in Pre-k and his school has a nursery inside as well. Which is a good thing for me when mom is out of town . The school allows new born's to 12 years of age are welcome which is amazing.

After kissing both of them on the forehead I started my way to school. O my josh where are my manners you don't know me. My name is Cody but, I go by my middle name Morgan. I'm 16 and a junior in high school. I was a jock not a big and bad or mean one but, good enough to get invited to party's and stuff but I cared about my grades so I am a bit to nerdy for all that. But lately I had to drop a few of my sports so I could take care of my brothers. My mom had to go on a trip out of state for her business for awhile but, the good news is she is supposed to be back tonight. So no worry's about me a 16 year old taking care of her younger siblings and no I wasnt taking care of them alone all the time.

Our maid, her name is Beth, she is like a second mom to me and the boys anyways, I've been giving her days off because she has a family of her own to take care of but, tonight she said she was taking the boys off my hands. Which means I can go to a party with my boyfriend Eli. He's one of the  popular guys at our school and a nerd got him funny right.

Although my best friend says he's just using me for you know. I haven't given it to him and probably won't and he's still with me so that has to mean something right.

The River Creek BoysWhere stories live. Discover now