That's What Family Is For

Start from the beginning

"Walk them to school?" Gray said surprised, "I was planning on driving them."

"That would be rather impressive considering you have a flat," Lyon told him.

"What?!" Gray went outside to look at his car. Lyon was right, his rear tire was flat. "Shit!" What a crappy way to start the day, he must have driven over a nail on his way home or something.

"Hey, language! If the girls start cursing Meredy's going to assume they got it from me." Lyon complained. "Anyway, I've got to go. Thanks again, and for the love of God change your clothes. Trust me, you'll thank me later!"

With that somewhat cryptic statement, his brother smiled at him before walking towards his car. Seriously what had gotten into him today? Gray shrugged off the feeling that Lyon was up to something and went back inside to spend some time with the girls before they had to leave for school.

It seemed that Lyon had anticipated his lack of food and had sent the girls with enough Pop Tarts for the three of them. The two girls sat on the couch on either side of him and as they watched television and munched on the sweet pastries, they snuggled up against him.

"Uncle Gray, who's Natsu?" Mila, the white-haired twin asked.

"Natsu?" Gray asked puzzled. "Where did you hear that name?"

"Mommy and Daddy were talking about him the other day." Ellie, the pink haired twin answered. "They said you liked him."

Gray felt his cheeks redden and he tried to hide behind his coffee mug. "He's an old friend of mine, I haven't seen him in years."

"You do like him!" Mila squealed. "Your cheeks are red."

"They are most decidedly not, this coffee is just very hot." Gray lied. "Why were they talking about him anyway?"

The little girls shrugged. They had only overheard bits and pieces. They continued to tease him for a little bit but lost interest when he did not respond. Gray began to have a bad feeling about Lyon's strange behavior. He looked down at his clothes and ran upstairs to change, just in case. His heart sped up at the thought of seeing Natsu again, but that was impossible, wasn't it?

Natsu had been his best friend ever since he could remember. He had been his entire world. The reason he'd realized he was gay, his first crush and biggest heartbreak. Gray had finally gotten the nerve to ask him out only to have Natsu tell him rather uncomfortably that he didn't see him that way.

Their friendship had kind of devolved after that, they had tried to do things together, but it was awkward. Soon after, Natsu had started dating Lucy, and that had been the excuse they needed to naturally distance themselves from each other. Gray had never liked Lucy very much. He'd thought her shallow and only interested in Natsu because of his looks. The two had gotten married soon after high school. Gray had been invited to their wedding, but Natsu had been merciful enough to not ask him to be his Best Man. Instead, Lucy's friend Loke had taken his place.

It still hurt when Gray thought of Natsu, of how much he'd lost just by confessing his feelings. He'd been angry at first, they had been friends for so long and to have Natsu just let go of him so easily had hurt. Gray knew part of that was Lucy's doing. He'd never hidden his dislike of her. Deep down he knew if Natsu had wanted to stay in his life, he would have done so. Then again, neither one of them had ever been good with feelings. He'd been in several relationships over the years, but they all lacked that spark that he'd felt for Natsu.

The more he thought about it, the more he realized this couldn't be Natsu related. Lyon had it out for Natsu after he'd found out about the rejection and subsequent abandonment. Gray had been lost, and Lyon had been the one to pick up the pieces. There was no love lost between the two. Still, something was most definitely up. He looked back in his closet and picked a nice pair of black jeans and a blue button-down shirt which he left unbuttoned, he grabbed some boots and put them on as well. He looked at his watch and saw they'd have to get going if he wanted to get them to school on time.

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