Chapter 8 : Locker News

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Present time.

Nemmi's POV

Woke up at 7:30. Took a shower. Dressed up. Went for breakfast. Grabbed my backpack. Grabbed my phone. Set off to the school bus with my best friend. The usual.

"Therfore Troye Sivan is more sexy than Chris Hemsworth because he both you tubes and acts." Jackie said confidently.

"No way is Troye sexier than Chris. Chris Hemsworth acted like a god and rocked the hell out of it. He is fine-ness. How can you keep denying it." I countered at her ridicoulus statement.

Me and Jackie were off on our daily banter about random things that come up at the breakfast table. We went on and on until we got to school.

"See you after school?"



"I can't I have Basketball today."

"Oh yeah. Bus save me tho."

"Okay me too"

Bus save was a thing we had. Just a reference for 'save me seat in the bus'. But that was too mainstream. So we say Bus save.

I walked towards the main area of school. The I.G. Indoor Garden. Everyone calls it I.G. Just cause it sounds cooler. I crossed the I.G to get to my Locker on the other side but was stopped by a hand grabbing mine. "Hello my goddess."

"Hello Apollo. See what I did there. (The lame rhyme)" I winked.

"Walk me to my locker?" I asked. He nodded.

"How was your weekend?"

"Spent most of it thinking about Angels"

"Oh really. Like who?"

"I don't know who they were but all of them looked like you."

"Isn't that sweet."

"Not as sweet as you gorgeous. I have to bounce there is a football meeting. I will see you later. Lunch?"

"Actually I'll see you at Chem."

"Of course. I almost forgot you need to start another chemical reaction in my heart."

"Okay that one was terrible"

"How do expect me to flirt about science. Gosh. Anyway see yeah!"

I laughed and waved.

Apollo was from Greece. I think that's the only reason I let him flirt with me. His accent was so alluring and attractive. He was named after a Greek god. I found that pretty cool. He's also in the football team which is pretty cool too. I kinda had a crush in him. But I couldnt let him know. I like his constant need for me. Its cute.

"Well she doesn't want to see you, You douche" I heard a female voice scream behind me. I didn't even care. The voice was familiar but very vaguely. "Hey you dont have to be a bitch about it." A male voice shouted back. I turned around only to see Byron and Avery In a stare down. That's unusual, usually they would be getting along fine.

"Hey, What's all this about?" I said stepping in between them.

"I just told Avery i wanted to talk to Tammy and she called me a douche. What the fuck?" Byron whined

. "Why?" I turned to Avery to ask her.

"Come with me and explain." She said silently

"Okay. Just wait Byron we'll deal with this later. Before anyone gets in shit. Okay" They both nodded after I said that.

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