Prologue: childhood

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A/N This picture is so pure and cute!

You were born and raised in melemele Island at Iki town

(M/N) Your mom's name

(D/N) Your dad's name

(N/N) nickname

3rd person's POV (nobody's POV)

4 years old

You lived at Iki town as long as you can remember. You loved everything in the Alola region: the ocean, the pokemon, and the nature. You usually saw trainers around the age of 14 starting their trials and battling kahuna Hala (Trainers begin their trials at 14 instead of 11 in this book). There was a festival every year to honor the tapu of melemele island: tapu Koko. Your hair was put up by your mother, (M/N) and you were watching the festival jumping up and down.

"Hey momma?" "Yes?" "may I get a better look of the trainer pwease?" (M/N) chuckled, amused at your eagerness for watching the trainers battle. "Okay sweetheart but don't run off too far."

Without another word, you ran closer to the arena grinning and wondering who's gonna win in the battle. Without looking, You ran into someone without looking.

You winced in pain from your head and someone said, "oh no no no! I'm so sorry are you okay?!"

You looked up and saw a boy about your age with light chocolate skin, grey eyes, and seaweed green hair that was put up with two clips holding his bangs in place. He was also wearing a black baggy T-shirt with orange overalls with crocks. He looked a bit concerned about you.

You took the boy's hand and stood up. "Oh yeah sorry I bumped into you. I was just wanting to see the trainers battle."

The boy's face turned from worried to really, really happy and jumping up and down. " Really?! I was just about to do that too! Do you want to watch it with me? I'm Hau by the way."

You giggled and said, "It's nice to meet you. I'm (Y/N) do you want to be friends?"

Hau grinned and said, " Yeah that would be awesome!" Then he took your hand and dragged you to watch the trainers battle. Hau was the first friend you ever made.

9 years old

Since that day, you and Hau were best friends together. You would explore melemele island, go swimming, buy some masaladas at hau'oli city, play with some pokemon in town, have sleepovers sometimes (Not in that way perverts!), and would see each other everyday. He would be there to comfort you when you cry, laugh with you whenever you cracked a joke, and just care about you.

Hau's POV

I was waiting for (Y/N) to come hang out with me in hau'oli city with me today. I got her a nice friendship bracelet that I made my self with the help of grandpa Hala. I started to develop feelings for (Y/N) since I was 6. I was thinking of telling her how I feel this evening. When I saw her getting out of her house, my signature grin faded when I saw her tear stained face.

I walked toward her and asked, "Hey (Y/N) why are you crying?" as I looked at her (E/C) eyes. She looked away with more tears running down her face and said, "I-I'm moving to saffron city in the Kanto region later today with my family later today..." Then she ran into my arms and started sobbing in my chest.

If it was under different circumstances I would probably be flustered right now but hearing those words about my best friend and crush that I knew for 5 years made me cry too. I started to comfort her but those reassuring words got drowned out by my crying, so I hugged her tighter and didn't want to let her go.

I stopped hugging her and said with a really forced smile, "Hey I never gave you my gift for your birthday." I pulled out the bracelet that was similar to mine but mine was black and orange.

" I pulled out the bracelet that was similar to mine but mine was black and orange

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(Pick a bracelet)

(Y/N) grinned and said "Thanks Hau, you're the best friend a girl can ask for!" I turned a bit red at the comment. "No problem (N/N)!"

Soon, her parents came out of the house and they looked really unhappy. (M/N) regarded me with a small smile, "Hello Hau, I see that you came here to wish (Y/N) a happy birthday I see."

(D/N) was scowling me for some reason which I returned a small polite/awkward smile. I was used to this for about 2 years. "Hello Hau, I'm glad that you got to meet up with (Y/N) but she needs to pack up her belongings to move to the Kanto region today."

"But why though?! She can't leave here! She doesn't want to leave...I can't lose my best friend" I mumbled the last part under my breath, with tears running down my face.

(D/N) glared daggers at me and said, "Well you can't decide what's best for my daughter. We're moving to Saffron city because there is a really good school for (Y/N) to excel at instead of homeschooling her at this island. Also, me and my wife need to get better-paying jobs. So please get out of my sight right now or thing will get out of hand-" (M/N) put a hand on (D/N's) to calm him down. "Hau, I'm sorry about my husband's behavior but I do think that you should leave please. If you want to see (Y/N) before we leave, maybe you can see her at the Melemele ferry terminal before we leave."

I nodded and went back to my house to try to calm down.

Time skip to this evening

(Y/N's) POV

I looked at the beautiful sky of Alola one last time before I have to move. I will miss everything here: The beach, the ocean, the pokemon, malaladas, Iki town, and Hau. I wondered what kanto would be like though. It would be something, but nothing compared to the Alola region. I was about to walk into the ferry when I heard someone calling my name. I spun around to see Hau running to me.

When Hau caught up to me, he gave me a hug which I gladly hugged back. When he let go, he looked into my (E/C) eyes and said, "I know that we won't see each other for a while, but promise me one thing." "Of course." "Promise me that you will come back to do the trials with me when we're 14."

I grinned for the first time for a while and said, "Well of course I'm coming back for the trials. But until then, I'll have to be cooped up in the city. Now promise me one thing, we will always be bet friends no matter what."

Hau grinned and hugged me one last time. "Promise." "(Y/N)! The ferry is leaving! Come on!" I started to cry, " 'till next time. Bye!" "Bye (Y/N) I'll try and keep in touch with you!"

I was in the ferry smiling at Hau through the ferry window

"I'll see you at the trials no matter what."

A/N sorry this chapter took a while to be published. To be honest, this chapter was fun to write even though I have training for cross country and family business to attend, so I had my hands full. I'll try updating on this book as soon as I can. I hope that you're enjoying this book so far! :D

- Maddy_cat_04

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