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PAIRING: Bill Weasley x reader

SUMMARY: ❝Nothing in my life is truly mine; not my room, my clothes, nor my privacy—nothing except for you.❞

NOTES: I live for clichés, bite me.


You tug on the ends of your — Bill's — jumper, the sleeves go past your wrists and turn into sweater paws. Not that you mind much. It's late December and the weather is much crisper so any additional warmth is very much appreciated.

You're currently in your dorm room, pacing around as Rowan casually arranges what she is and isn't going to take back to her trip home for the winter break.

"I can't believe you're meeting his family." Rowan turns, she's raising an amused eyebrow as she folds a shirt. "How're you feeling about it?"

"Honesty? I'm anxious. What if they don't like me?"

Rowan grins. "Charlie likes you."

Rolling your eyes, you lean against the wall with a sigh before crossing your arms. "Yeah, well, Charlie is my friend. Bill's got like, five other siblings so add in his parents and I have to impress seven people. That's seven too many!"

There's a pause before Rowan finally finishes up and slings the bag over her shoulders. She tilts her head to the side before making her way over to you.

"You're overthinking it, Y/N."

"I can't help it," You whisper, looking down at your sweater paws. "I like him so much. I just hope his family likes me too."

"They will," Rowan reassures firmly. "You're great and you'll have both Charlie and Bill on your side. I have the utmost faith that it'll go well."

"You think so?"

"I know so,"

Hours later, you and most of your friends, excluding Andre and Tulip who are staying at Hogwarts for the break, find yourselves in the Hogwarts Express. Penny seems to be in a cheery mood as she whistles a Muggle Christmas song while flipping through a Potions book. Next to her, Ben is falling asleep on Tonks' shoulder. She, on the other hand, is speaking with Barnaby, Charlie, and Rowan in excited but faint tones. You're seated with Bill, opposite to them, your hands are clasped together and he's fidging in his seat.

"You okay?" You question, leaning a little into his space for privacy.

Bill stills before sighing quietly.

"Yeah, I'm just... nervous."

You furrow your eyebrows. "You are?"

He shrugs, brushing his thumb over your knuckles delicately. "Yeah, a little."

Quietly, you lean a little closer. Your arm grazes against his and the end of his lips twitch upwards slightly.

"I assumed I should be the nervous one." You say quietly.

"Yeah, probably." Bill chuckles quietly. He finally looks up, meeting your gaze. There's something soft in his features. "I'm just not very fond of sharing."


There's a blush over his cheekbones now. He shrugs before glancing at your other friends. Once he notices none are listening in, Bill returns his eyesight to you.

"Nothing in my life is truly mine; not my room, my clothes, nor my privacy — nothing except for you." There's a pause before he continues. "Now, you're going to meet everyone and I'm one hundred percent they'll love you and you won't be just mine anymore. I'm okay with that, I really am. I'm excited for you to meet my family. Mum and dad are gonna love you, Ginny is pretty thrilled to meet you, Ron and the twins are curious and Percy... well, he's Percy but still."

Smiling, you squeeze his hand before pressing a kiss to his cheek. "My attention will be divided among your family for the holidays but you should know that I'm yours. Unconditionally and irrevocably yours."

He beams before pulling you in closer until you're resting your head on his chest. Across the compartment, you catch Rowan's eye. She winks before sending you a smile that you return promptly. The anxiousness from before is now gone as Bill rubs reassuring but carefully circles on your back.

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