The chosen gems/ unexpected

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                                                                         Jayvyn's POV

"Echo" I shouted, my horse came running to me, I told her the directions and we went there, "I wonder what this light theif looks like," I thought, In about 1 hour we were here, "this is a huge gateway, this theif looks richer than I imagined" I broke the lock and we went in, "Nobodys here" I thought, Suddenly a man who was 5'7 appeared, "Lights out" he said, All the light in the room, vanished into his hand, "I can't see" I said, Out of nowhere I felt cuts on my arm, I focused my energy and provided light he couldn't steal. I aimed 3 arrows at him, he dodged all but one, He charged at me with a knife, I jumped up and hit him with an arrow, I launched 3 arrows at a time but they missed him. "Arrows? is that all you have, useless" He said. He charges at me with a knife and I blocked it with an arrow. I saw some light outside, I ran towards the door, "Let's see how much light you can carry. The doors closed when I was about to exit, "Echo" I screamed, "Will he be okay outside on his own" I thought, I put my bow down and focused my energy on my bow, "purify" I thought, He came charging at me but I jumped and held my bow and kept, focusing, "Done" I thought. He threw 3 knives in my direction I dodged all but one, the one knife hit me in the leg, I grabbed my bow and prepared to aim, He was fast, I stood in one place, threw my bow to the side, holding one arrow. He charged at me when he was close enough, I stabbed him in the head, when a gem took his place, all light returned, I grabbed my bow and the gem, "Amethyst" I said, the gem floated where my mark was, I picked the lock and got on Echo, "To the Palace" I said 

                                                                         Hudson's POV

I walked towards the water and yelled "Ganora", my water horse came to me, I got on her and we traveled to find Aquira, "This took longer than expected" I thought, I used the water and made a water orb around my head that provided me air. We went into the ocean and saw a broken civilization, I swam near it and Aquira was there, She tried to stab me with a spear but missed, I grabbed my trident and stabbed her back, I missed. I tried attacking her again but she copied my move, "Copycat," I said. I tried a different move but that didnt work either, she controlled the seaweed and tried to make it grab me, One of the seaweed missed but the other grabbed my leg, I cut the seaweed with my trident, and she kicked me in the stomach, then my horse headbutted her. She flew back and I stabbed her in the arm with my trident, "Vital spots, Hudson" I told myself. Seaweed then grabbed me I broke two other with my trident, I swam to the surface as fast as I could, she followed, As I reached the surface I crawled as fast as I could to the sand, I had no use of the water orb on my head, so it vanished, I saw her on the sand, I used the last of my energy to use the water as chains, to chain her so she wouldn't go back to the water, she had no power in the land, I grabbed my trident, charged at her and stabbed her in the heart, a gem took her place, "Lapis lazuli" I said as it floating to where my mark was, I grabbed my trident went to the water and got on Ganora, "lets go home" I said to Ganora.

                                                                          Aiden's POV

"Ash" I called out, He came flying to me, I got him and said, We have a fire monster to stop. We flew at a slow pace at first, I loved looking at the ground from here, everything is so tiny. "Speed up a little ash," I told him. In 2 hours we arrived at the place, "Woah, this forest looks so burnt", I said. "Wait, how am I suppose to defeat my own element," I thought, I looked around and saw a fire monster, about 10 feet tall. I charged at it without thinking. The fire monster hit me and roared, It charged at me and I jumped and dodged it, it blew flame in my direction, I usually wouldn't get hurt by fire, but this fire feels different, It wasn't like fire you made from sticks, or on a stove, it was evil. I fell back, The fire monster tried to punch me but I rolled to the side and stabbed it in the side. I jumped up "Ash" I called out. I got on ash, "circle around it," I said after ash circled around I jumped off ash and on to the fire monster, the fire burnt me a little but I ignored the pain. I stabbed it in the head 5 times, the more I stabbed it, the littler the fire monster got. The Fire monster flung me off its back, I flew back and my sword was 4 feet away from me. The sword monster came at me, I used a flame of my own to consume the monster, The flame hurt but I needed to kill it. After a while, the flame disappeared and a gem took its place, "Woah" I said, "A Jasper gem" I said. The gem floated to where my mark was, "Let's go back, Ash" I said

Guardians of the elementsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora