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I am so scared for Demi right now. She's done so much for mental health and for herself and it's heartbreaking to hear she's in the hospital for an overdose.
I don't know a lot about addiction, but I really hope she's okay and the dr's and nurses and whoever else takes part in her care, works on her good and makes sure this wonderful human being stays alive bc she's been an inspiration for MANY people on this planet.
And not that that's her responsibility to open up and be that huge of a role model, and only seen as that. But she has a ton of good credit stacked for just being herself and I just pray she's okay and she's able to pull herself through this.
I know it's cliché but we NEED more people in resemblance to Demi. I just want to hug her and tell her all the good things she's done.

oofDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora