Carrie Fisher

102 4 0

I don't want to believe it

A hero, a true hero, died yesterday at 8:55am. A woman who was amazing in and out of the Star Wars movies. A woman who spoke up about her illness, which inspired many people dealing with the same thing to want to better themselves.

As someone who deals with major anxiety, and has voiced my issues on multiple occasions (although not the same thing as what Fisher was dealing with) I can only look up to her and think, "holy shit, that woman was brave".

Overall, besides the sadness of it, Carrie Fisher would want all of us, especially women, to live like her. Fisher was a goofy person with a great personality. She believed women could do more and even better and loved her fans dearly.

Let's start 2017 Fisher style.

oofDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora