"Straight out of a telenovela, right?!?"

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1) THE daisysjohnson who you should go follow bc she plays sports and that's legitness

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1) THE daisysjohnson who you should go follow bc she plays sports and that's legitness.

2) was tagged like a hour ago so... done✔️

- I prefer the cold over any awful humid day (I know. I'm weird)

- I'm 5'3... on a good day.

- My favorite position........ to sleep is on my stomach (Gotcha there didn't I?)

- I've been to Jamaica, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel Mexico (a cruise)

- I technically have 5 brothers and 3 sisters. (Split families I tell ya)

- I really really REALLY love psychology. So I basically wanna hug everyone.

- I took French for 5 years and I hardly remember a thing.

- I have labral tears in both my hips at the moment and they hurt a LOT. (Not so much anymore. I got a steroid injection and I'm doing pt, and so far so good!!)

- I recently just got another cat... so that makes 3 😐☺️ Here's a picture!

 so that makes 3 😐☺️ Here's a picture!

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- I hardly ever get sunburnt. I just tan really easily. Je ne sais pas pourquoi!

4) haha yeahhhhhhh idk about that one. Here's a few tho. agayskywalker and Smudge357  and MissNzingaK Anyone else that wants to do it, have a little fun and go for it!

5) "Straight out of a telenovela, right?!?"
- from Jane The Virgin if you don't get it.

-What happens when a duck is taken by extraterrestrials?
-It's abDUCKted!!

7) eh... here it goes.

"Why is (someone who would give it awayyyy) in my apartment?"

"Why does a bank teller have a gun with a silencer hidden behind her fridge?"

"I asked you first."

"I asked you second. And you're the one holding a gun to my face."

"You're on my property."

"It's not ACTUALLY yours."

"I rent it."

"But you don't own it."



8) well, copy/paste, screenshot, whateva.
Have fun!!

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